Where are Whites Supposed to Go, Governors?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2015

Last week, two Governors told White people to move away if they don’t like mass immigration.

The Governor of Minnesota, Mark Dayton, while being hassled about Somalian immigrants, said “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. … This is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here, and this is Minnesota, should find another state.”

Governor Mark Dayton: Putting Somalians first
Governor Mark Dayton: Putting Somalians first

In Germany, District President (I think that’s the same thing as a governor, at least similar) Walter Lubcke said that the city of Lohfelden has to accomidate 400 “migrants” and that anyone who doesn’t like it can leave the country.

Forcing people to integrate with a hostile foreign people is fundamentally a violation of basic natural rights. But assuming this isn’t obvious, one must pose the question to these governors and the rest of the government officials trying to run people out of their own countries to make room for brown people – where are we supposed to go?

Assuming that it is a done deal, and we have to move out of our own places of birth, leave everything our ancestors built for us to a bunch of backward savages, these people telling us to leave need to at least suggest a possible destination, where we will be able to build something and not have it taken from us.

In America, White flight has been taking place for decades. People moved to the suburbs to get away from Blacks, now the suburbs are being overrun by Mexicans, Africans, Indians, you name it.

Theoretically, people can run to rural areas, but these places tend to not have much work, and on top of that, it is only a matter of time before they are flooded with the genetic refuse of the entire planet.

In Europe, villages are already being flooded. An extreme example is the town of Oranje in the Netherlands – a village of 140 people has had 1400 “asylum seekers” forced on them over the course of a couple weeks.

Oranje: From a 100% White to 9% White in a matter of weeks

Germany is also flooding small towns 10 to 1 with “refugees.”

America and Europe follow the same Jewish game plan, so we must assume the US will sooner or later start doing this same thing.

Low on Options

Both governors acted as though this was a simple thing. Mark Dayton said “If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again.”

Where is this place with a minority population of “1 percent or whatever,” Mr. Dayton?

That green is getting smaller by the hour.
That green part of the pie is getting smaller by the hour across the country.

The only country in the world which actually defends White interests is Russia. And it is not reasonable to expect the millions of people living in Western countries who don’t want to be overrun to move to Russia.

What will these people do for work in a country where no one speaks English and is in an economic crisis caused by the same psychopaths importing the hordes into our countries?

Will Russia accept millions of refugees from White countries who don’t want to live under Islam/general brown chaos? Surely they are not obligated to do so.

Rhetorical Exercise

Of course, this is all just rhetorical. Because when they say “move somewhere else” they are not actually suggesting that you move away, just telling you you have no choice and must simply accept the swarm.

However, I think it is worthwhile to push this point – to ask these people where we are supposed to go as we get run out of our homes. They are probably going to start using this line more and more, and it really gives us an opening to press how absurd the situation is.

By telling people to leave, they are openly admitting ethnic displacement, and pressing them to elaborate – even if you don’t respond – makes quite a point.

By the way, keep asking @GovMarkDayton where he expects us to go.