Where is the Pick-Up Zone for NGO Human Traffickers?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2017

This is the pick-up zone for NGO “rescue boats” who “save” the “refugees” who are “fleeing economic hardship” in Africa.

These are the routes they take to get there – from the UN’s own data.

These NGO human traffickers are providing a taxi service.

They were recently caught communicating with the boat operators. They have a direct line to them – according to whatever legalism, they have to be at sea to be “rescued” by the NGO.

They say they are “saving them” from unsafe boats.

They used to claim these black Africans were “fleeing brutality in Libya.” Now they’re just like “no, you got us goyim – they obviously aren’t from Libya. They’re just poor black people and we’re bringing them to Europe to live on welfare because it’s sad that they’re poor lol.” 

This is absolutely insane.

I use that term a lot – “absolutely insane” – but how else would you describe this?

It’s like on the same level as the media talking about how “beautiful” Bruce Jenner is in a dress – it’s so far out there, it’s hard to even process.

This is a big part of the Jewish stratagem. They use a gigantic media network to vigorously present you with stuff so out there that you can’t wrap your head around it, so your mind just shuts down.

We need a meme for this.

Something better than Jewing intensifies.

Though that one is pretty good, we really, really need one that gives a category to concepts that are widely accepted simply because the average person is incapable of logically processing them.