Where is the Rest of the Resistance to Lawless Colonization?

July 9, 2014

This needs to be taking place everywhere.

The breakdown of law and order under the anarcho-tyrannical Obama Regime is epitomized by the massive invasion of illegal immigrants from Central America, which has exploded into a full-blown crisis.

Despite physical resistance from the residents of Murrieta, California, the federal government continues to dump massive numbers of unskilled foreign peasants in their area, coercively converting it into a Third World slum. Buses have been blocked by patriotic citizens; no matter, the Regime has planes, which have been landing in San Diego, so that the welfare colonists may be distributed from there throughout Southern California.

In Texas, Border Patrol buses wait by the border to conduct the colonists into the country. That’s right; the people charged with defending the border from invasion are actually providing logistics for the invaders:

The influx of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has grown so large that it now requires its own transportation system: government buses that spend each night idling on a Texas roadside, awaiting the latest arrivals.

The buses, joined by a fleet of Border Patrol vans, illustrate the immense and grindingly routine task facing Border Patrol agents in the 5-mile slice of deep South Texas that has become the epicenter of the recent surge in illegal immigration. …

Migrants’ willingness to surrender to authorities has created a system in which smugglers need only to get their human cargo to the American side of the river, rather than guiding them to a populated area.

The latest tactic is to send child soldiers against us.

The rest of our colonization and displacement is handled by our own government at our own expense in possibly the most appalling act of systematic treason history has ever witnessed.

Governments have been overthrown for far less. Yet at this point resistance seems to be limited to a handful of patriots in Murrieta, who despite threats of force from the quisling authorities are standing firm:

Demonstrators opposed to illegal immigration stood their ground again at the Murrieta Border Patrol station on Monday, where U.S. Border Patrol had been scheduled to transfer a third round of buses, with approximately 140 illegal aliens aboard in total, transferred from overcrowded Texas detention facilities.

For a third time, the buses were rerouted to the San Ysidro, California Border Patrol station, near the U.S.-Mexico border, for processing. The demonstrators gathered in areas to the north and south of the Murrieta station after law enforcement blocked off the road near the station itself. Many told Breitbart News they considered their stand a success, since buses scheduled for Murrieta are avoiding it as long as demonstrators remain.

Unfortunately this noble resistance will be too little too late unless it catches on nationwide quickly. If we don’t stand up to our government, ethnic cleansing through displacement will proceed until Americans are a minority in our own country, enslaved through taxation to a ruling government-dependent foreign majority.

murrieta_resistance (1)
The Murrieta resistance.