Which Negroes do You Believe will Have Victory Over the Other Negroes?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2016

Mad World (4)

I just heard that a certain Negro is planning to give a serious hustle to a certain other Negro who threw a ball.

Said first Negro is planning to catch a ball with his hands, or so I’ve heard.

Are these rumors true?

If so, that sure will be something else.

My oh my.

Hot dog.

Life is grrrrrrrreat.

It’s just so wonderful to be a baby-boomer.

Even with our ungrateful children dying of heroin overdoses because they’re too lazy to get a real job, we can still feel so happy seeing these Negroes throw balls at one another.


“Look at this, Susan. This nigger just threw a ball into the air and then that other nigger caught it with his hands and started running. Golly gee. Tell our Mexican maid, Maria, to bring us yet another plate of fine cheeses and other great snacks.”