Whistle While You GAS: Jew Says Josef Mengele Whistled Mozart While Choosing Victims

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2016


You would think that at some point, the Jews would be like “maybe we need to walk back some of this cartoon evil stuff, people are starting to question this story and saying things like ‘he whistled while he gassed us’ really gives them ammo in their claim that the Holocaust is just a lot of cartoonish nonsense.”

But no.

And why?

Because it really is real in their minds. Jews are such fantastic, audacious liars because they believe their own lies.

Daily Mail:

The callousness of one of Auschwitz’s most gruesome officials has been revealed by a survivor whose memoirs reveal Josef Mengele used to whistle Mozart while choosing prisoners for execution.

Yehuda Bacon – who has gone on to become an internationally acclaimed artist – was only 15 when he watched his father be taken off to be killed but has now released a book detailing the horrors of the death camp where 1.1million people died.

The publication is a series of conversations between the Israeli and psychologist-author Dr Manfred Lütz and part of it has been published in German newspaper Bild, and it includes the sickening detail surrounding Mengele’s selection procedure.

Mr Bacon said: ‘He must have loved Mozart, because if he was bored during the selection he always whistled Mozart.’

As well as picking which Auschwitz inhabitants would die, Mengele is also renowned for using them in experiments, which often involved mutilating limbs and ripping out people’s teeth – and he even tried to sew children together to create conjoined twins.

There is of course no evidence this actually happened in real life.

They just keep repeating it based on Jewish hearsay.

We are supposed to believe that anything a Jew says is fact because they are the chosen ones of Yahweh.