Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
July 19, 2014

A former manager of Canada’s border services agency (CBSA), said Canada’s immigration enforcement system is a “orchestrated mismanagement”, meaning it is deliberately trying to keep immigrants in the country, instead of deporting them, which the taxpayer pays them to do.
This deliberate mismanagement has according to the whistle-blower, seen a huge drop in the number of illegal immigrants deported, but has seen a large increase in the agency’s spending.
“Simply put, more money was spent to produce less,” said Reg Williams, who was formerly, the director of CBSA’s Toronto enforcement office.
In his letter to the Privy Council, dated June 26th, Williams writes:
“As a retired public servant, taxpayer and citizen, I am deeply concerned … that the downward trend in productivity, if not addressed, will threaten community safety and security,”
“Taxpayers deserve to know why the immigration enforcement program has produced significantly less while spending significantly more.”
“While it may be easy to dismiss my concerns as those coming possibly from a disgruntled former executive, I can assure you that is not the case,”
“My concern and dismay is based on objective facts which I urge you to verify. I see it as my responsibility to alert Canadians on the adverse direction the enforcement program has taken.”
The deportation of illegal immigrants from Canada has dropped by about 26% nationally in the fiscal year ending March 31, compared to last year, and dropped about 34% in the Toronto region.
On a national scale, 5,000 fewer illegal immigrants were deported.
“It is not a practice of the Canada Border Services Agency to comment on allegations made by a third party,” said Vanessa Barrasa, spokeswoman for the CBSA, when asked about Mr. Williams’ analysis.
“What the CBSA can say is that we have deported more than 100,000 illegal immigrants since 2006.”
The border services are paid to stop an invasion by migration, similar to the military who are paid to stop an invasion by force…and yet, here are White countries being invaded and mixed with millions of non-White people.
This is not now – nor has ever been – the will of the majority – it has been the will of anti-Whites. They have managed to achieve this by simply screaming “racist” or “nazi” at any who opposes them.
They may say they are anti-racist, but anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White – they are nothing but anti-White.
Our job is to fight fire with fire. We call them anti-White because they promote and support White genocide. White genocide is the flooding of only White countries with millions of non-Whites, then followed by forced “diversity”, meaning no area can be “too White”.
The point of White genocide, if you didn’t know, is to make White people a minority, like how the Swedes are now a minority in Malmö.