White Actress Claims Ignorance of Black Husband Chopping Mother of His Children Into Little Pieces

Daily Mail
February 22, 2014

The woman he killed.
Laura Ackerson, the woman he killed and chopped up.

A former actress claims she didn’t know her husband murdered the 27-year-old mother of his two young children until he pushed her to help hide the body parts more than a week later.

Amanda Hayes, 41, took the stand in her defense, saying she only agreed to help hide the chopped up body parts of Laura Ackerson when her husband Grant threatened to kill her as well.

But prosecutors said Hayes never tried to expose her husband’s heinous act, and even seemed happy in pictures taken after they disposed of the body .

More than that, they say the couple planned the murder after a troubled custody battle over Grant’s two young sons with Ackerson.

Hayes is facing charges of first-degree murder and accessory after the fact for the July 2011 death. Her husband Grant was convicted last year of murder and is currently serving a life sentence.

Amanda Hayes, the woman accused of helping him to murder her.

After closing statements Monday, a North Carolina jury began deliberations. They will meet again to discuss the case Tuesday morning.

Hayes’ defense attorney asked the jury to acquit his client on both charges, saying her ‘classic sociopath’ husband acted alone in the murder and Hayes was forced to help hide the body parts when threatened the lives of her and the children.

When Hayes took the stand, she described the night of Ackerson’s death.

According to Hayes, Ackerson had come over to their apartment and Grant grabbed Ackerson, causing the 27-year-old to fall and hit her head.

That’s when Hayes grabbed the children and left the apartment so that Grant could call an ambulance.

‘Husband’ Grant Hayes was found guilty of Ackerson’s murder last year and is currently serving a life sentence.

Unbeknownst to Hayes, by the time she got back Grant had strangled Ackerson to death with an apple adapter chord. At some point he smuggled her body out of the house wrapped in a carpet to chop up the body and store the pieces in coolers.

It wasn’t until six days later, on July 18, that Hayes had realized what her husband had done.

The couple and the children had taken a trip to visit Hayes’ sister in Richmond, Texas and drop off some furniture.

‘He’s concealed everything he’s done from Amanda,’ her attorney said. ‘She arrives in Texas, happy, content to see her sister without any hint whatsoever that Grant has killed Laura.’

Grant stored the coolers with Ackerson’s body parts in them behind some of the furniture they shuttled in a rented U-haul van.

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