Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2014

The idiotic Black slogan – no doubt invented by some ratfaced Hebrew – of “Hands Up – Don’t Shoot” has been reworded to reflect the actual problem in Ferguson, which is a bunch of chimps with their butts hanging out committing grand theft on a grand scale.

“Pants Up – Don’t Loot” is a brilliant way of using catchy language and cleverness to flip the narrative back on these sickening Black terrorists who are attempting to throw a revolution and seize control of our systems. To be fair, they actually probably don’t want to seize control of our systems as much as just completely destroy them, take all our White wimminfolk and our big screen TVs. Clearly, they do not have a clear understanding of the fact that TVs are powered by electricity from our White electricity system, and will no longer work if this system goes down.

We are still counting down to the Negrocalypse which will occur whenever the government announces that the Hero Darren will not be charged for defending himself against the rabid ape Michael Brown.