White Autistic Boy Stabbed in the Neck in Unprovoked Attack by Black Cowards

July 26, 2014

Eamonn was chased and stabbed by three Black thugs, after he ran from them when they verbally abused him.

The mother of an autistic teenager has made a heartfelt plea for help to catch three men who stabbed him in the neck in Pimlico.

Margaret Finn posted a picture of her 16-year-old son Eamonn’s injuries following the attack on 4th June in central London.

While walking to a group for disabled youngsters, he was chased by the group and stabbed in the neck, milimetres from his jugular artery.

Ms Finn’s plea has gone viral on Facebook, being shared over 100,000 times in just two days.

Police have released CCTV footage of the incident in the hope to catch the three men.

She wrote: “Didn’t want to post this, but I’m really beginning to think that the boys who tried to kill my son are going to get away with it.

“It was totally unprovoked and my son was so frightened of them that he ran away after they verbally abused him, but was chased and when he ran out of breath and had to stop, one of them stabbed him milimetres from his jugular artery, and walked off.

“Please share, to show my amazing son that what I’ve always taught him is true, that there are consequences to actions, and that these “people” will face those consequences.”

Margaret Finn says it had taken 2 years to prepare him for going outside and when he did, this happened to him.

Ms Finn said the attack has had a severe effect on Eamonn, adding: “They did far more than stab him, they’ve also taken away the only bit of independence he had, which took us almost two years to prepare him for.

“I’m now too frightened to let him back out, and I’m getting the fallout from that too.”

The attackers are described as three black or Hispanic males, up to the age of 22. One had curly wet-look hair and was wearing a grey jumper, while the other two had very close shaved haircuts and darker clothing.

Detective Constable Krishan Kapur said: “This appears to have been a random attack on a teenager who was heading to meet friends at a local youth club.

“I would appeal to anyone who saw the assault to contact police. It is fortunate that the victim’s injuries were not more severe as he was lashed across the neck.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Westminster CID on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.