White Boy Gives Evidence from Beyond the Grave in Trial of Non-White Care-Home Worker Who Raped Him

Leicester Mercury
September 20, 2014

15-year-old Aaron Leafe accused Anwar Ismail of abuse in a police video played in court.

A boy who was allegedly raped and sexually abused by a care home worker gave evidence from beyond the grave yesterday.

Defendant Anwar Ismail looked on at Leicester Crown Court as 15-year-old Aaron Leafe accused him of the abuse in a police video he made two months before he apparently killed himself.

In the 93-minute recording, the teenager said he was forced into having sex with Ismail – his key care worker – in the male staff room at the Woodland Retreat children’s home in Leicester.

In the harrowing video, recorded in April 2010, Aaron said: “Anwar always pressured me into having sex with him. I didn’t want to do it.

“He gave me money. He bought me a flat. He let me drive his car. He bought me cigarettes and cannabis. I was scared of him. I just did what I was told. That’s why I did it.”

Prosecutor Mary Prior told the court Aaron took his own life in June 2010 by tying a curtain cord around his neck.

She said he left a note saying: “I can’t get over what happened with me and Anwar. I hate him so much.”

Aaron’s mother sat quietly in the public gallery of the court as the video was played on two big screens to the jury.

The teenager said on the video that the abuse started when he was 12 after Ismail went to work at the home in Chantry Lane, off Groby Road, in 2007.

He said the abuse even continued after Ismail was dismissed from the children’s home, in 2008, after he fractured Aaron’s elbow during a restraint.

The teenager said he had tried to end the contact between the two when he was moved to a children’s home in Worksop, Nottinghamshire.

Ismail rented a flat in Nottingham so that he could stay there and they could spend the night together, he said.

The Court heard how Aaron took his own life in June 2010 by tying a curtain cord around his neck.

Aaron said he had slashed his arms with a blade and tried to take his life by tying a belt around his neck.

A short time later he was rushed to hospital after taking an overdose of paracetamol tablets, he said.

He said that when he was asked by care workers why he had tried to commit suicide, he told them Ismail had been abusing him for three years.

Aaron told the police: “Hopefully now it should all stop now so I don’t have to worry about it any more.”

Earlier in the video, he said Ismail had driven him to his house in Matlock Street, Spinney Hills, Leicester, while his parents were away in India.

He said Ismail let him play a video game on the first night, but then attacked him on the second and forced him to perform a sex act.

The next night he pinned him to the bed and raped him, he claimed.

“Ismail told me not to tell because he would end up in prison,” said Aaron.

“He told me to tell the home that I had been with a girl in Worksop for three days.”

Ismail, aged 31, denies 10 offences, which allegedly took place between Jan- uary 17, 2007 and June 30, 2010.

He pleaded not guilty to one charge of rape on December 9, 2009, one of attempted rape between January 2007 and June 2010 and one of sexual assault between March and April 2010.

He also pleaded not guilty to four charges of sexual activity with a child, and three charges of abducting a child between December 2009 and May 2010.

The trial continues.

Leicester Crown Court heard how Anwar Ismail was Aaron’s key worker at the children’s home.