“White Boy” is the Most Commonly Used Racial Slur on Twitter

Joseph Allen
March 26, 2014

comedycentralOf all the millions of ways to be an asshole, the status quo regards “racism” as the most alarming. Put on your X-ray specs and you’ll see the contagion everywhere. According to a recent study, 10,000 “racist and ethnic slur terms” are hurled on Twitter daily. Imagine all the tender sensibilities withering in the heat of those Tweets.

As it turns out, the most commonly used term is “white boy,” which comprises a full 48.9%, followed by “paki” at 11.7% and “whitey” at 7.9%. “Coon” and “nigga” came in at a paltry 3.2% each. So much for affirmative action.

Still, Twitter must be teeming with insidious racists, right?

That depends on the context. Unlike many on the left, the Demos researchers who conducted the study claim that uttering racial slurs does not make you a hateful racist. Not necessarily, anyway. Their “machine analysis” revealed that about 70% of the time, people used slurs as a non-derogatory “Group ID” to refer to out-groups. These Twitter users may be coarse, but at least they’re not full-on bigots. I guess Madonna can get off her knees now.

The remaining Twitter slurs have an edgier tone. They are categorized as “Targeted abuse” (~20%), “Casual use” (~10%), and “Ideological”—as in Aryan Nations or the New Black Panther Party—which are a mere fraction of a percent.

Should such insensitive language be a big surprise?