White Cab Driver with Bullet in His Back Furious Black Thieves are Not to be Charged with Attempted Murder

8 News Now
May 8, 2015

Frank O’Grady was ambushed and shot in the back by the Black vermin.

A cab driver who suffered gunshot wounds in an attempted robbery in February is criticizing a plea deal for his alleged assailants.

The shooting occurred during 62-year-old Frank O’Grady’s first fare of the morning. Two men ambushed O’Grady, who says he thought he was picking up a customer.

One of the men fired six shots into O’Grady’s cab and struck him twice. He fled to a nearby truck stop to get help.

Three months later, O’ Grady says he is still recovering from his injuries.

Police eventually arrested the two suspects, 19-year-old Jarvis Williams and 18-year-old Quincy Lovette, for another robbery.

The pair faced attempted murder, robbery and conspiracy charges, but O’Grady says they took a plea deal that removed the attempted murder charge. O’Grady says Williams and Lovette will likely receive less jail time.

The repulsive pair of inbred mongrels will now no longer be charged with attempted murder.

O’Grady said he found out about the plea deal in court Tuesday. The suspects will only face robbery and conspiracy charges, and they won’t face a trial.

“I think it’s terrible. I don’t think the (district attorney’s office) did their job,” O’Grady said. “How could you get shot at six times, but it not be attempted murder?”

After the shooting, O’Grady says doctors removed his spleen. He says his recovery has been painful and slow. The removal of his spleen compromised his immune system, and he says he requires immunizations for the rest of his life.

Doctors say one of the bullets is still lodged in his back, but it will eventually work its way out.

“The bullet went through my stomach. They had to sew both sides of my stomach. I’ve lost a lot of weight,” said O’Grady. “Once in a while, I get bad dreams, and I have trouble sleeping.”

O’Grady says the minimum the Williams and Lovette may serve is four years, but they could also serve a max of 12 years. However, both sentences would include the possibility of parole.

If there is a parole hearing for either of the suspects, O’Grady says he will be there and try his best to keep Williams and Lovette behind bars.