Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
January 10, 2104

For the first time in the history of the United States, Illinois schools are no longer a majority of White children.
The latest enrollment numbers for this school year show that the public schools of Illinois are now minority White. With a sufficient amount “Latino” (mixed race), Black, and Asian children, White kids are now outnumbered.
This school year White children fell to 49% of the total students enrolled into Illinois schools, with the total population of Illinois “63.7% non-Hispanic white” the schools are an under representation of the White population. Black kids fell also, but they are still 18%; a slight over representation, as they are 14.5% of the total population of Illinois.
In 2002-03, White students were just under 60% of the school population, but the last decade has seen a drop in White students, and a rise in “Latino” students.
The figures were published by the Illinois State Board of Education in December, however, spokeswoman Mary Fergus, said that the numbers might not be accurate, as some schools may make corrections in the coming months.
Fergus said “The fall figures reported by districts are not far apart for 2013-14. White students: 1,023,382. Other racial groups: 1,033,110.”
While the White genocide of Illinois school children is half way complete, 83% of the teachers are White.
This is something that the Illinois State Board of Education has voiced as a concern; they say they have been working to employ more non-White teachers to help the “majority-minority” population.
“We have seen this change coming, and we’ve been implementing some policy initiatives in recognition of that” Fergus says.
Of course, if a White kid wanted a White teacher, it would be “neo-nazi-hate-speech” in the words of anti-Whites, to which anti-Whites would reply “it’s just skin color, who cares?”
But when the shoe is on the other foot and White children are a minority, it’s no longer about “skin color“, it’s about “payback” or “settling the score“.
If the statistics aren’t altered, Illinois would the be first state in the Midwest to have a minority White school system, following over 10 other states; mostly the Western and Southern states.