White City Council Race-Mixer Cries About Racial Profiling When Her Black Boyfriend Gets Busted for Dope

Fox 40
November 24, 2014

Christina Fugazi drove through three red lights and then when she was stopped, claimed it was racial profiling because she had her pet with her.

Newly-elected Stockton City Council member Christina Fugazi says she and her boyfriend were racially profiled, but police claim her routine stop turned into something more when they allegedly smelled marijuana coming from the car.

According to a police report, she rolled through three separate stop lights on California and Weber streets last Friday.

Fugazi wasn’t alone in the car that night. Her boyfriend, Tremaine Bobby Manning, was in the passenger’s seat.  During the traffic stop, police claimed they smelled marijuana and alcohol. The police report states there was an empty bottle of alcohol in the vehicle.

According to the report, when officers asked who had been drinking and smoking marijuana, Manning said he was.

Tremaine Bobby Manning said that is was him who had been using alcohol and dope in the car.

Police declined our requests for an on-camera interview but said, “Once we were made aware of the concerns, we have an obligation to examine them carefully.  We have initiated an Administrative Review to clarify the circumstances related to the traffic stop.”

Fugazi also chose not to speak but sent us this statement which said, “I must honor the investigation and not discuss the incident any further until it has been concluded.”

Fugazi was not cited in the stop.

Police added the Detectives involved in the stop were veteran officers, one has 13 years on the job and the other has seven years on the job.​