Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
June 1, 2015

Zachary Davis, a sheriff’s deputy at the Clark County (Ohio) Sheriff’s Office, composed some “racist” tweets last month regarding the ridiculous chimpout in Baltimore. Some county residents notified the sheriff after hearing of the tweets, calling for Davis’s firing.
Clark County Sheriff Gene Kelly acquiesced to the pressure and fired Davis. He subsequently released the following statement.
“If you’re posting these type of statements then I don’t feel you can serve this community,” Kelly said in a statement. ”We are public servants — we represent this community and serve this community.”
“I had nothing to say to him except that I’m disappointed and that it will not be tolerated,” Kelly said. “I found it offensive. Swiftly and surely, he was terminated. I’ve done everything I can do to try and correct this problem. It hurts us and this community and there’s no place for it.”
Here are the tweets per Davis’s now-defunct account, @zachyd92:
“It’s time to start using deadly force in Baltimore. When they start slaying these ignorant young people it’ll send a message.”
“All these people in Baltimore doing what they’re doing are fitting every stereotype they’ve ever been labeled”
“Baltimore the last few days = real life planet of the apes”
Such racism. So intolerance. Wow.