White Cop Forced to Kill Negress Stalking Him with an Axe

Daily Stormer
April 8, 2016

Why do they act like this?

Maybe it’s… biology?

Daily Mail:

Authorities in Tennessee say an officer fatally shot a woman who attacked with a medieval-style ax.

40-year-old Laronda Sweatt of Gallatin became combative when Sumner County sheriff’s deputy Gary Pickard accompanied housing authorities to serve an eviction notice on her Wednesday.

Sweatt stabbed Pickard using the ax, WKRN reported.

Gallatin police said in a news release they sent several officers when Pickard requested help. Sweatt then threatened Gallatin Officer James Spray with the ax and Spray shot her.

The Gallatin Police Department said in a statement issued to the Gallatin News: ‘Laronda Sweatt met Officer James Spray in the street and backed him up to his vehicle while threatening him with the same ax that she assaulted the Sumner Deputy.

‘As she continued advancing and making aggressive movement with the ax towards our officer, Officer Spray fired two shots striking Sweatt both times.

‘Officers immediately attended Sweatt with medical treatment; however, she later died at Sumner Regional Medical Center.’

Pickard was hospitalized and later released, WKRN reported.

The incident comes amid a national debate and increased scrutiny over police treatment of black people and several deaths that have made international headlines.

Sweatt is black. Spray, who’s white, has been placed on administrative leave pending an internal investigation.
