White Cop Justified in Shooting Savage Crazy Sheboon

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2018

Deborah Danner.

There is virtually no chance this situation didn’t happen the way the cop said it did.

Blacks are already violent and will do dumb shit which results in them getting shot by someone (if not a cop, usually another Black).

New York Post:

The sister of a mentally ill Bronx woman gunned down by cops testified Tuesday how she rode up in an elevator to her sibling’s apartment that fateful day — with the very NYPD sergeant who would end up killing her.

“Please don’t take the door down. I had to replace two already,” Jennifer Danner, the sister of doomed 66-year-old Deborah Danner, told Sgt. Hugh Barry and an another officer on the ride up.

The cops were responding to a radio call of “an emotionally disturbed person — violent’’ at Deborah’s apartment that night, and another officer had phoned Jennifer, who lives next door, to alert her. Police had previously been to her schizophrenic sister’s home up to 10 times, Jennifer said.

Minutes later, Barry would fatally shoot Deborah as she allegedly came at him with a bat. He’s said he feared for his life.

On the stand, Jennifer Danner acknowledged to Barry’s lawyer that the sergeant wasn’t “agitated’’ and agreed that he “seemed to be friendly’’ and “fairly calm’’ on the elevator.

Sgt. Hugh Barry.