White Crack-Whore and Infant-Battering Black Boyfriend Cleared of Murdering Hybrid Offspring

December 22, 2014

Danielle Cassin with hybrid infant Levi Blu Cassin.

The parents of a toddler who died from massive abdominal injuries have been cleared of his murder.

Danielle Cassin, 27, and Mark Piper, 31, were also acquitted of manslaughter but convicted of the alternative count of causing or allowing the death of a child.

Both Cassin and Piper had denied murdering the 22 month old.

The pair also denied causing or allowing the death of a child and a charge of neglect.

Both parents had blamed each other for the injuries caused, the Birmingham Mail reports.

During the course of the trial it was heard Levi-Blu suffered massive abdominal injuries no more than 12 hours before his death last year.

Someone beat the infant so badly its internal organs were torn apart, but the jury could not decide which of the two parents it was, even though Mark Piper looks like this.

Cassin and Piper were the only ones to see the youngster during that window, Birmingham Crown Court heard, but both claim not to know how their son came about his fatal injuries.

Levi-Blu (1)
The Birmingham home where the infant lived.

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