White Cyclist Attacked by Machete Wielding Black Thug While Accomplice Films It and Laughs

Chicago CBS Local
March 28, 2014

Machete wielding Black thugs are a common occurrence in Africa and are now being seen more often in America. It has nothing to do with race though.

A sound engineer was riding his bike home in Humboldt Park early Saturday when he noticed two guys emerging from an alley, both crouching low.

“That’s when I knew they were coming for me,” said the 30-year-old man, who asked not to be named when speaking to the Chicago Sun-Times.

“Next thing I noticed, one of them had a machete,” said the man, who was biking in the 2500 block of West Potomac, just west of Western, about 3 a.m. Saturday. “I tried to speed past them, but one of them swung the machete at my back wheel.”

His bike came to a stop.

“And then the same guy punched me in the face.”

An accomplice stood by and laughed while recording the attack on his camera phone.

“That’s when I thought, ‘Oh, well this guy’s giggling, this is a joke to them. At least I’m not going to get murdered,’ ” said the man, who stood over his bike during the assault — which lasted a little over a minute.

The wheel of the bike after being chopped with the machete.

“Then the guy hit my back tire with the machete three or four more times and told me to ‘Get the f – – – out of here.’ . . . I sped away.”

The men looked to be about 20 years old, the man said.

Minutes later, he got home and iced his face. His bike took the brunt of the beating: a flat tire and gashed rim. He then called police, who conducted an unsuccessful search for the assailants.

A police spokesman said Wednesday that no one was in custody.

“I wonder if it was the ‘Knockout Game.’ I think that might have been what it was,” said the man, referencing a twisted game in which participants try to punch out unsuspecting strangers.

On Tuesday, the man posted his story to the social media website Reddit to see if anyone had seen video of the assault on the Internet. Several people read the story and gave the man grief in the comments section.

“People are saying ‘you’re crazy for living there and being out at that hour.’ But this can happen anywhere, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I’m not going to move and I’m not going to stop riding my bike,” he said.

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