White Daughter Says Murder Victim of Blacks was Just an Innocent Bystander

10 TV
July 26, 2015

Charlie Mahon was shot by Blacks as he came to his front door.

A 61-year-old man is dead after a shooting Monday night, but his daughter says he wasn’t the intended target.

Emmala Mahon says her father Charlie Mahon was everything to her family.  “He was always there for everybody; he was the glue,” she recalls.

The family says Charlie had no idea there was a man outside his home with a gun when he entered his back door on Springmont and South Highland Avenues.  By the time he came to the front door, a shot was fired.  Four more followed.

Jallen Hall and Alexa Curtis are both wanted for the murder.

Mahon fell near the door.  Calls to 911 followed.

Caller: My dad’s been shot in the head.

Dispatcher: Who shot him? Who shot him, ma’am?

Caller: Some guy named Jallen.

The family says some kind of argument between the friend of the shooter and someone in the house sparked the gunfire.

Police say Jallen Hall fired the gun, and 21-year-old Alexa Curtis called him to carry out the attack.  Both are wanted for murder. Police have not located either of them.

Emmala says her father was generous man and an innocent bystander in the shooting.  “Anything you asked him for, he would do it.  He would give the shirt of his back if you needed it,” she says