White Dude Told Nagger to Stay the Hell Away From Him, Got Stabbed to Death

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
June 15, 2018

Tony Tarver.

This is why we need the Second Amendment.

If this guy had a gun and stood his ground he would still be alive.


According to the arrest warrant affidavit, family members told police that Evan Stehle had told Tony Tarver to stay away from his apartment.

On June 2, the victim’s wife says Tarver knocked on the door, and Stehle told him to leave. When Tarver tried to get into the apartment, a fight ensued.

Stehle’s wife told police that she “saw Tarver on top of the victim making stabbing motions. The victim crawled back to the apartment and collapsed on the floor.”

After seeing a photograph of Tarver, the victim’s wife said that he was “the man who murdered my husband.”

The affidavit states that witnesses reported looking outside after hearing a commotion. They reported that Stehle fell to the ground and the suspect “got on top of the victim and stabbed the victim several times in the back.”

Evan Stehle.