White Family Reacts to Black Mother of Their Son’s Killer

Your Erie
July 28, 2015

Jacob Pushinsky was shot and killed by a young Black thug. The killer’s mother has given a press conference, where she said he was a good boy and she brought him up right.

Don’t sit there and give me a line of b.s.,” said Mark Pushinsky. “Actions speak louder than words. He’s still breathing. He’s in this world. They can still talk to him. My son, I can’t talk to until I leave this world.”

Mark Pushinsky said he taught Jacob to love your neighbor like you love yourself.

“If a parent was there for their child training them the right way, this would’ve never happened,” he said. “It’s that simple.”

Jacob’s mother said she forgives, but she’ll never forget. She said she prays for Sanders’ family every day.

“I’m sorry that this happened,” she said. “I’m sure they’re going through their own torment right now. My heart goes out to them as well.”

The face of a cold hearted killer, who had a good upbringing.

Jacob’s cousin, Tim Bordewicz, started a petition for community support to ensure Sanders is tried as an adult.

He thanks Sanders’ family for their condolences, but said he was surprised by some of the statements Holloway made.

“If he was the respectful young man that his mother claims him to be he would come forward and say, ‘OK I did this, here’s where I got the gun from, here’s where you can find the gun, I’m sorry,’ He hasn’t done any of that,” Bordewicz said.

The Pushinsky’s said they should have been planning a graduation party, not a burial. They said they still can’t believe Jacob’s gone and that every day they wish he would come through their front door.