White Father Arrested After His 5-Year-Old Daughter was Raped by Muslim Pervert

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2014


Dave Russel explains the story as was told to him by the father over the phone.

The Muslim was well known to the family and had been trusted to baby sit for the the little girl.

It does not matter how well-behaved these creatures are in front of you, it only takes for your back to be turned for an instant before they revert back to their animal type.  How many more of these sickening rapes will it take before people realize that these creatures are not the same as us and never will be?

There will always be the risk of them behaving like this if they get the chance to.

They must be expelled from our lands and we must remain separate from them if we wish to prevent things like this from ever happening again.