White Female Victim Speaks Out After Being Terrorized During Weekend of Senseless Black Violence

June 19, 2014

Diane was just walking home when one of a gang of juvenile Blacks punched her to the ground, while the rest of the chimps were grunting at her.

A New Britain neighborhood was terrorized this weekend by senseless violence. Three different people, chosen at random, were punched and left on the street.

The three different incidents happened in three days and now six teenagers are facing charges. Police are trying to figure out if these attacks were part of the “knockout” game.

The victims in these attacks were all over 60 years old.

“They hit me in the side of the head, hard enough to knock me off balance,” said Diane, one of the victims of these random attacks.

Diane said she was walking home from the 7-Eleven when she passed a group of teens on the street. She then felt a blow to the head.

“I staggered a bit, but I didn’t want to go down, and fought not to go to the ground because I was afraid I would get jumped on and beat up,” she said.

Six juvenile Blacks have now been arrested for their part in the attacks by New Britain Police.

As she stumbled to her house, she realized the teens were making fun of her.

“I heard a girl laughing, when they were running away from behind me so I am pretty sure it was a girl,” Diane said.

Diane is not alone. There were two more attacks in the same area by the YWCA in New Britain.

“I’m going to be 60 years old soon, and you see a group of kids on the street and you are very weary,” said Kathy Deprey of New Britain. “You’re afraid. You don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“I feel okay today,” Diane said. “I have much more peace of mind because police arrested the six people and they did a very good job, and I am very grateful to them.”

The teens ranged from age 13-to-17. Their names were not released by police because of their age. They will appear in Juvenile Court.