Daily Stormer
March 9, 2014

Why is it that every other race and Nation can organize ethnically within White nations, but the very White people whose nation it is cannot?
If you had a foreign people under occupation and subjection in their own land, this is exactly the way you would treat them if you wanted to remain as their overlords.
Can people not see the double standards here?
If White people were to advertise for other White people to form a football team in the same way that Bristol Council are advertising for Somali’s here, they would be picketed and prosecuted for discrimination.
The right to freedom of association is a fundamental right that all people should have in their own countries, if they do not have it then they are either living in a foreign country or are living under a foreign occupation.
Who could it be that has taken the power in White countries and has made it law that White people no longer have freedom of association?
Voltaire said that to find out who it is that is ruling you, you must find out who it is you cannot criticize.