White Footballer Found Not Guilty of Rape on Appeal After Lying Slut Destroyed His Life

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 23, 2016


Ched Evans: Not exactly what you picture a rapist looking like.

It used to be that if a girl went to the police saying she was raped in a man’s room, they would ask “well, why were you in his room? Did he kidnap you?”

If the girl responded “no, I voluntarily went alone with him to his room but then I decided I didn’t want to have sex,” then the police would start laughing at her, possibly charge her with wasting police time.

In most countries, this is still the case. But not in the Jew-feminist West. In the Jew-feminist West, a woman is assumed to never be responsible for her own behavior under any circumstances, while also assuming she is somehow totally capable of making adult decisions.


If you hear about a White man committing a rape, it is almost certainly a lie.

She can just claim that some man raped her she was in his room, and doesn’t even have to show bruises (although even bruises wouldn’t technically mean anything, as it could have been voluntary rough sex), and the police will put the man in prison.

In the UK, this has reached insane new heights, where a man has to prove the woman gave consent. This is totally nonsensical, as even if the man has video of the girl saying “I consent to sex with this man,” she could later claim that he forced her to say that on video, using his superior strength.


Footballer Ched Evans has had his conviction for rape quashed at the Court of Appeal in London, but will face a new trial.

The ex-Wales international was jailed in 2012 for raping a 19-year-old at a Premier Inn near Rhyl, Denbighshire.

The former Sheffield United, Manchester City and Norwich player was released from jail in October 2014 after serving half of his five-year term.

Mr Evans, 27, has always denied raping the woman.

Speaking outside court Mr Evans’s solicitor Shaun Draycott said: “Ched Evans is extremely grateful that the court of appeal has ruled that his conviction for rape was unsafe and should be quashed.”

The striker’s case was referred to the Court of Appeal by the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), which investigates possible miscarriages of justice in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, after new evidence emerged.

What kind of new evidence could “emerge” four years later?

No one knows, and the court isn’t saying.

Announcing the court’s decision, Lady Justice Hallett said the judges heard “fresh evidence” during the appeal hearing on 22 and 23 March.

She said: “In summary, we have concluded that we must allow the appeal and that it is in the interests of justice to order a retrial.”

The court quashed Mr Evans’s conviction and declared: “The appellant will be retried on the allegation of rape.”

Mr Evans has not been signed by a new club since his release from prison.

This man’s entire life was destroyed. He spent two years in prison. His promising career was ended.

Because some drama-slut wanted his money.

Will she go to prison for this?

Presumably not. They haven’t released her name, let alone suggested she could be charged with a crime for destroying this man’s life.


Things are a little bit better in the US, but not by much. Mattress Girl wasn’t successful in having her victim imprisoned, but she was successful in destroying his life, and suffered no consequences for this evil act.

The state is now used exclusively to harm heterosexual White men, whether it be at the behest of a colored person, a homosexual or a woman.

It’s a complete disaster.

Meanwhile, in Sweden, Moslems are getting community service for kidnapping and raping 12-year-olds.


We need to reestablish the traditional definition of rape. Real rapes should be punished severely. I would argue that the death penalty is reasonable for someone who grabs a girl on the street, drags her into an ally and rapes her. However, “date rape” is not rape.

What we seem to be dealing with here is the concept that rape laws “disproportionately affect minorities.” As such, they load the statistics up with fake rapes.

Again we see the Jew concept of multiculturalism working hand-in-glove with the Jew concept of feminism.