The Ranger
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2015
To Area-Reclaim, we must get into our minds and set out the plans and blueprints of the kind of groups we are to be. At our core, it will not be a political or religious thing.
The question is, what is the fundamental nature that defines these groups? It is the unit structure of Family and has at it’s core, the group itself is a living organic life-force, founded on a spirituality, because fundamentally all sustenance comes from spirituality, something fascism itself acknowledges, an existence encompassing the natural and the spiritual or super-natural, beyond what is natural. Our enclaves are to be an extension of ourselves, they are to be a spiritual living organ itself situated in this physical realm, which serves as a nurturing and testing ground to forge and build our spirit for the trials of this world and the next. Our fortresses are to be communities of the warrior-guardians who instinctively look out for one another, their race, their homes and their territorial environment.
The spirit of the White Fortress-Home must be that we are family, bloodkin, a community fused together by blood, in touch with our God, ourselves, our families, each other, our homes and our universe, an interconnected White universe, which no other people can interfere with or be a part of, just as there are those within our family and those who are not. To Fortress build means that our kindred White spirits come together to be loyal to one another, to defend one another, care and nurture one another. We are many individuals and individual spirits who at the same time are of one kindred spirit. Rather like the Christian notion of the Holy Trinity, 3 Divine aspects of the one God. We are many, all are different, all have their own independence and individuality, yet we are one. For too long the material world has set us off as lone toothless wolves, focused on material trivial diversions, lacking spirit, allowing us to become lost and indifferent to the needs of our spirit, our race and each other, easy pickings for the vulture and parasitical enemies we all know.
When fortress-building, forget about the smaller details of politics (of course the enclave must be against immigration and multiculturalism and be for our regions being for our people, but as for the detailed differences between religions and nationalists, it does not matter). The first principle and priority is: Is the man or woman next to you agreed that we are White blood together, he/she is my brother/sister, our race is in the fight for our survival, all other matters are fake diversions, we must secure our survival. Is this person next to me reliable, am I a dependable person, is my word my bond, do we look out for each other? When serious danger arises, can I count on them, can they count on me. Do I know myself, am I the sort of person who will stand up, disregard danger to myself, commit to the fray to help the other? When we understand that we are in a community that lives and grows up by this value, then there will be no hesitation, actions will be instinctive without regard for the self but full regard for our people, because we will act out of true care and love for our people, knowing too that we are part of that folk, they are us and we are them. When we foster our own communities to live by this, then it will be within our nature, there will be no hesitation, no question which cause us to stumble and fail, it will simply be and thusly we will attain again, whom we are.
It matters not what our beliefs about politics or religion are. The only thing that matters is that Whites have coalesced because they want to protect their people, their existence and way of life, it is of the utmost and primary concern that above all else, we see our community as family as connected spirits and blood, that is the bottom line, nothing else matters. Only after this first principle can there be the luxury of hammering out the details of our differences, of debates and endless discussions, but the community and your family must always be the uppermost thought in our minds. Who would quibble about politics or our personal beliefs with a family member on their death bed, so why bicker amongst ourselves when the world has our race targeted, hunted and on it’s death bed.
Considering the historical episodes where our race could have fallen to non-white hordes, and considering we are now a declining 8% of world population, if we had not been such a strong force, we would have been extinct like the Anatolians long ago, indeed they are part of the White race who have, and like them we shall pass unless we unify, organize and prepare with intelligence. Such a reality should be the prevailing thought in every White’s head, and for whom all should hold as an overriding instinctual default informing our decisions, words and actions with each other. We already now live with the beast at the gate ready to consume us, unless we remain unified and focused on the mindset described above. All other matters are trivia, minor details that can be discussed ad nauseum, in a fraternal atmosphere, when we are secure. For example concerning religion, we have White protestants, catholics, pagans, atheists, but without our Europe, none of these White’s will exist. So pagan, catholic, protestant or atheist are family by blood and spirit first, that overrides all personal belief considerations and interactions amongst ourselves, it must never be otherwise.
We are all here because we see what is happening to our race, our peoples, our countries, our nations. We are here because at some level we care about the destruction of all our people, our ways and we care about the suffering and death being inflicted upon all those of our race, regardless of our differences or variety. What White amongst us does not have tremendous feelings of anguish or care for these White victims they do not know and tremendous rage at our enemies who help, support and commit these atrocities? Who amongst us for the most part know any of these victims, yet we all instinctively feel they are our flesh and blood, it is as if the crimes were committed upon us personally. And who can deny that our instinctual response seeing these victims, is that they are us. So too that is how we must see each other now and in any future Fortress-Home. An attack on one of us, is an attack on all of us.
It is among the highest honours to be in service to our race. This must be clearly appreciated and understood, it is an honour, in other words it is a gift to be able to serve our race. When we are allowed to serve and help our race, it is a holy act, in which we honour God or our Creator, nourish and consecrate our own spirits, readying them for this world and the next, such were the ideas of Valhalla and heaven. This is where we need to be spiritually, mentally and physically – mind, body and soul.