The Ranger
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2015
Inspecting the nests of muslims, we can see why the evil of islam is spreading and why it is they prosper. For a muslim, islam means to live in the service of islam, their demonic cult and fellow muslims. You harm one, you harm them all. In a world that is comprised of lost souls, all looking for direction, this is why the sheep find islam attractive, why some westerners join it, it offers them direction, strong firm directives, firm borders, assurance, harsh, but assurances nevertheless. It offers them a group, a sense of belonging, of family of support and protection. Just as a child needs and truly appreciates borders and rules, which is a sign of true parenting and love, when done in context of patience and instruction, so too do people, especially lost people as western pop culture has artificially engineered and cultivated.
Taking the example of how the British police did nothing about muslims gang-raping girls in Britain or the issue of Child Protection Services targeting our children in such enclaves, the question is, why do state police not bother with such cases in muslim areas. The answer is muslims living in Europe have in fact conquered parts of Europe, these areas are no longer European and it is like native police invading into a different hostile country. The 2 main reasons why they do nothing to muslims are:
i. They have been actively promoting them.
ii. Even when action is desired, the authorities are petrified of going into muslim occupied areas in Europe. They are in reality now no-go areas, completely foreign countries. We see this again and again all over Europe – Malmo, Sweden, suburbs of Paris, and so on. Their attitude is that it is like going into villages in Afghanistan, you need a full military presence. These areas are no longer Europe, they are foreign hostile countries, pieces of Pakistan etc. The authorities know that if they go in there to take a child, they will face the possibility of 100s of muslims attacking them and even military grade weaponry most probably present. Recent riots in Malmo Sweden uncovered 2 hand grenades, which failed to explode.
This is the sort of mentality we must regain. This is how our race needs to think and feel. In order to ‘Area-Reclaim’ we must live in spiritually based communities as opposed to the materialism we now inhabit, that are about the unit structure described above, family, blood and spirit kin. This is the fundamental foundational level bond cementing the society of these Fortress-Homes which will enable us to have the ability to produce the exact same hornet nest response to any outside interference to our kinsfolk.
In such a community of numbers and blood spirit bonds, any attack on one is an attack on all. Any interference by the authorities for example will mean they can no longer automatically trample into our households or community, take our children and make demands etc. The “possibility” is now on the table and in the authorities minds that Fortress Whites may also be armed, cohesive and act as a concerted unified armed force. They do not know whether we are supplied or not, just like they do not know the weaponry or numbers of muslim occupied zones. For the authorities the thought of going into a hornets nest, is something they fear, it means most of the time they will not, or it has to escalate to army level, and if that happens, you are looking at a disaster for the government, socially and propaganda-wise which will draw more support from the populace. In any case our communities will be trained and schooled in the art of defence against such aggressors and how best to utilize the terrain and structures in urban environment and the defence-offence arrangements. It is critical to Fortress build, with the ultimate goal being that we are many and we are unified, defending the beehive or anthill even against government heavy weapons. If the authorities see that attitude and vibe coming from us as individuals and that we also have a unified attitude, they will be far more reticent to go near our communities, they will have to muster serious numbers and military grade resources to deal with us, by then, we may draw more support from other White Fortresses. The government know this and their goal is to prevent Whites Fortressing. At the end of the day “people” is power, and the more people, the more power. We will become the White no-go Fortress areas.
General principles:-
First we need the people, without people nothing happens
So people united is the first basic crucial ingredient, a common united people, in the first phase in their urban jobs all working to improve themselves and defend each other, meeting and staying connected etc. directed in one goal one direction for each other, which is ultimately for themselves. Plans and actions concerning Fortressing must be done in a low key manner, without fanfare. It must be done, calmly, steadily and without people running their mouths off about it, or going on talk shows. We need serious, calm and patient people to organize, to put in the initial infrastructure, people who do not draw undue attention or court undue controversy, there is more chance of our plans being destroyed if that is the case, and more chance of it progressing if done in an unpublicized manner.
Next is finances. Strong individual positions financially to purchase land or property. People need to do their best to be inidividually financially strong. The acquisition of property may be done quicker when people unite their resources with the goal of what we are describing here. People should strive to attain careers, work where they are suited but will accrue them the best possible pay in their field. Peoples first priority in their life should be work, something as much as possible they enjoy or feel good about or a business idea they can try. But rest and play come after work, it is work which allows you do all the other things, which are probably the more important things in your life, and which nurture your spirit, but it is work which will allow you do and spend your free time to the best and in control of your own situation and eventually be master of your own fate and not working for people and corporations you despise. This is the essence of work making you free, Arbeit Macht Frei.
I would imagine portions of property, land etc allocated to the donation given, with capability of people to earn larger shares over time etc, all can be worked out in a fair and just manner. Again these are the details that must be figured out. Big farms for sale might be a solution. Buy farmland or other sites that are suitable for communities, or in an urban area, start identifying good defensive areas that people agree to start moving to or buying properties in. Start building or moving communities of our people into more sparse semi-countryside areas. There are already whole villages for sale in certain countries, some of them in remote mountainous regions, while the climate is good enough to grow plenty of good food. Ideal locations should be defendable and have good natural water supply.
Land, real estate:
Land or territory is the next criteria. With land everything else flows, shelter, water, chickens, eggs, goats, cows, milk, pork, meat, vegetables, bee-hives, our own honey etc.
When you have land you can then source your own water. Sink a well, get the source protected, secure. Collect rain water in each household. Make your dwellings energy efficient, get small windmills, solar panels, fit ranges in every dwelling, so you can burn any sort of fuel in them. Make the layout of the town a defensible type formation and structure, then each house a sub-unit of defence. Structures must be made with defence and anti-riot and anti-government proof type homes in mind. Our people must be trained for such measures in defence, attack etc, every aspect of our lives is that of nature, all animals instinctively live a defensive-offensive capability, even when in their homes. We will create structures in our homes, our streets, our areas, our lands which will allow for our defence against any intrusion. Although most people with intelligence and imagination and a knack for thinking militarily can think up these scenarios and defensive ideas. Though as always there is no substitute for experience.
Every angle of our survival must be countenanced, everything thought of:
People – Networking and connections and communications with all other Fortress-Homes. Our people, our networks are our strength, while we as individuals can and will be able to operate as lone Wolves etc., we must always create and have the wider support network and groupings.
Defence – having territory means the ability by law to acquire defensive strategies for our Fortress-Homes and to defend them by lethal force against invasion where necessary and in line with the law. Each White, whether they are man, woman or child will be trained from birth to be a warrior-guardian, to be able to use their souls, minds and bodies as weapons to defend themselves and their people. They will be able to utilize and think strategy and tactics, as if 2ndnature, all will be schooled in martial principles, doctrine, strategy and tactics. All will use their environment and anything to hand as potential weapons. Continuing on from there will be hand to hand combat training, tools as weapons, rifle training, small unit tactics, guerilla warfare principles, conventional warfare principles, right up to full army generalship principles and doctrines, all encouraged to read and absorb the major battles and commanders throughout history.
Energy – the usual independent means of deriving energy and sources as well as commercial and mainstream uses, but we must always have our own generators etc, windmills, solar panels and any other possible source. Also generators and motors that can burn anything, run on anything, possibilities of advanced alternative fuels such as Hydrogen from water, blueprints for such motors exist. Also Tesla technologies.
Medical – we must have doctors and nurses or people with in depth knowledge of such, while all will have some basic level of medical knowledge, which will be reinforced and built on throughout one’s lifetime.
Water and food – access to our own organic food and our own water supply where possible. Wells sunk, even in urban street environments.
Communications – capability and access to radio communications, expertise in setting up world radio wave communications, independent satellite dish communications, being able to use mainstream pathways, encryption, and secure communications.
Mobility – there are cars that are capable of running on vegetable fat, cooking oil, we must have these, we must be fully self reliant, everyone pitching in and working how best they can. It would even be useful to have access to cheap helis or planes, while some streets can be used to take off and land. What we need and cannot source we get from other networks, also from networks abroad. All White Fortresses will also be in alliance with every other White fortress around the world whereby trade, expertise, experience, support and guidance will be exchanged etc.
Relaxation and Rehabilitation – these are our homes, as such it is automatic like in the animal world, they should be homes that are fortresses, places which afford us rest and recuperation, which can only be sustained if they are secure fortresses, domiciles within secure fortress areas populated by a warrior community. There will be different cycles of readiness that people living in Fortress-Areas will be engaged in – a full readiness phase, a preparatory for full alert readying phase and a complete rest phase. People will rotate in and out of the 3 phases. However all can be ready to defend and out on full alert where the need arises, in a Fortress emergency.
With White Fortressing the possibilities of at least living with people you understand and feel more comfortable with and in accordance with your ways are far more realistic. There will be a state of constant vigilance, but you will carve out little pieces of White territory that at least you and your family can live a happier, more fulfilled existence. In any case are we not already living in a constant state of alert and heightened stress, increasing everyday and in isolated vulnerable pockets.
The other added bonus of Fortressing, is that with time as the outside world turns to ruin and chaos, they will destroy more and more of themselves, their hold on certain areas will decrease. Little by little, more areas, especially areas adjacent to our enclaves will be possible to be added and annexed. You see muslims doing this all the time, house by house, which becomes street by street, which then becomes area by area.
Of course there will be a myriad of problems before we begin and along the way, but it is certain we have the intelligence and capability to overcome obstacles, negotiate disagreements and support one another, what is quite certain is that we must start thinking seriously about this, even if the demographics are wrong and we are not under threat, these Fortressing ideas are good, at the very least people need to network more and for all our folk to have more supports and connections to each other in itself is a great thing, ties people into other people and stops people feeling alone or isolated etc.
Considering the sheer amount of non-Whites, it is a good exercise that our people are strong spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually and financially. It makes good sense that we own a lot of land which in any event is always there for us no matter what, even to simply enjoy. If circumstances do go the way they seem to be heading, then we we are prepared, not caught out, and have some Fortresses to strategically withdraw to, where we can consolidate and defend ourselves and our position while we not only survive but thrive during the onslaught and storm. This will allow us to emerge strong and dominant, able to reclaim in full, the native lands of our ancestors, and our full territorial birthright.