White Girl Given a Concussion by Blacks After Trying to Help White Guy Being Beaten by a Mob

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 21, 2018

I’m not sure what this girl’s mother was expecting when she sent her kid to a school full of nogs.

Something like this was bound to happen.


A 14-year-old girl is missing a week of school at Omaha North High School in Nebraska after suffering from a concussion during a student fight last week.

Lizthy Lopez was hit and punched several times at school when a fight between several boys took place during school hours on Feb. 9.

Video of the fight, caught on students’ cellphones, show dozens of students around the group of students fighting. Lopez is shown holding onto a male classmate, trying to escape, as several boys pushed and hit her.

“I blacked out. Sort of. I thought like what am I supposed to do? Fight back? I don’t know. All I thought about was, Liz get out of there,” said Lopez.

Lopez said she has several bruises on her upper body, including her arms, head, and chest. She says her doctor told her she suffered a concussion and is dealing with frequent headaches as a result of her injuries.