White House on Israeli Settlements: “Not Helpful”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2017

Clearly, President Trump is using the issue of Zionism/Israel to throw a bone to the Jews, and keep them from calling him out as openly anti-Semitic. I have said that I believe Israel is only relevant to the extent that it affects America, and that the main way that it does affect America is by forcing us into wars.

It looked after the election as though Trump was going to go all out in being vocally supportive of the Jew state, as a way to distract from the fact he was dismantling every Jew agenda in the United States. But I guess, not so much.


Donald Trump’s administration has warned that while further expansion of Israeli settlements on the occupied Palestinian territory is not an “impediment” for peace, it “may not be helpful” in resolving the decades-old conflict.

“While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful in achieving that goal,” the White House said in a statement.

Israel has been pursuing an aggressive illegal expansionist policy on Palestinian land it has seized following the Six Day War in 1967. Within less than two weeks after the inauguration of the new American president, Tel Aviv has announced the construction of over 5,500 new settlement housing units.

While Trump – in sharp contrast to his predecessor Barack Obama – hinted in the past that Israeli settlement activity is not something his administration would criticise, on Thursday the White House said that Trump is still undecided.

The new administration “has not taken an official position on settlement activity,” the White House said, hinting it will make up its mind following the discussions between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Trump when the two meet on February 15.

Before the White House clarified its position on the two-state peace solution, an official within the presidential administration told the Jerusalem Post that Tel Aviv failed to consult Washington when it made the announcements of new settlement construction.

“As President Trump has made clear, he is very interested in reaching a deal that would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is currently exploring the best means of making progress toward that goal,” the official said.

Right after Trump’s inauguration, Israel announced it would authorize 2,500 settlement housing units in the West Bank. Days later, it proceeded with an additional 3,000 units.

“With that in mind, we urge all parties to refrain from taking unilateral actions that could undermine our ability to make progress, including settlement announcements,” the official added. “The administration needs to have the chance to fully consult with all parties on the way forward.”

The Palestinian-Israeli peace talks have stalled since the efforts of the US failed in 2014.

For those who don’t know, a “settlement” is a Jewish village built inside of what is internationally recognized Palestinian territory.

They build large fences/walls around the settlements and then they connect these settlements with a series of highways which the Palestinians are not allowed to cross without going through a checkpoint, making free travel within the Palestinian territories almost impossible.

They establish the settlements by bulldozing Palestinian homes and forcing the owners off their land with the military. It’s just a process they are using to completely take over all Palestinian land.

Obviously, if there is no land, there can’t be a two state solution. Because part of the definition of a state is that it has land.

I have a hard time sympathizing for the Palestinians. Not simply because I have a hard time sympathizing with brown people generally, but because their own neighbors/blood kin don’t care about them. However, the ongoing Jewish atrocities against them don’t help international relations with Moslems when the US is supporting them, so there are practical reasons not to help Jews steal land.

Because while relations with the Arab world might not be of prime importance, all things being equal, it is good to get along with people. You also have the fact that Russia supports Palestine, so on that front it is also not good to be aggressively anti-Palestine.

So while I am not going to attack Trump for allowing Jews to displace the Palestinians, it is clearly better if he doesn’t allow them to do that. These statements are encouraging. It is going back to his position in the early days of the campaign, where he said he would be neutral in the Palestine-Israel conflict, and said he would only make a deal if the Jews were willing to compromise, famously saying “maybe they don’t want a deal.”

So this is yet more good news.

I can’t hardly take all of this good news, mate.