Holo-Skeptic Sean Spicer Resigns as Press Secretary – Sarah Sanders Named as Replacement

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 21, 2017


This isn’t exactly surprising.

Fox News:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders will replace Sean Spicer as White House press secretary, it was announced Friday.

The announcement was made in the press briefing room by Anthony Scaramucci, who was named White House communications director Friday.

As the reader is aware, I am a virulent misogynist, and do not believe women belong anywhere near politics. In fact, I strongly believe that women should be beaten and raped.

However, that having been stated, we do not yet live in our perfect traditionalist world, and we have to work with what we’ve got. And Sarah has been doing an amazing job at the public briefings, BTFOing all the kike reporters, while totally keeping her cool, unlike Sean “How Do You Just Make 6 Million Bodies Disappear?” Spicer, who appeared to be in a perpetual state of rustlement.

The fact that she has female privilege also gives her a lot of leeway to say things that a white male couldn’t.

Original article follows.

The Holocaust revisionist historian Sean Spicer has resigned from his position as press secretary.

We knew this was coming. Sanders has been doing the press briefings for weeks, most of which have been done in private.

The Hill:

White House press secretary Sean Spicer resigned Friday after President Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci as his new communications director, The New York Times reported.

Trump requested that Spicer stay on, but Spicer declined to do so and told the present that hiring Scaramucci was a major mistake, the Times reported.The White House said there will be a press briefing today, but did not say who would conduct it or whether it would be on camera.

Spicer is a former spokesman and strategist from the Republican National Committee who has been linked with Reince Priebus, Trump’s chief of staff and the former RNC chairman.

His decision to resign will raise new questions about whether Priebus and others in the former chairman’s orbit will stay at the White House.

Scaramucci is a Wall Street financier and longtime Trump supporter. He is not a Washington veteran, setting him apart from Spicer, Priebus and the man Scaramucci would succeed, Michael Dubke.

Scaramucci is an Italian by the way, not a Jew, and comes from a working class background. His father was literally a construction worker.

He’s the guy who CNN printed that fake news story about, calling him a Russian agent. The one that led to the three long time writers being fired, and kicked off the hellstorm against them. Presumably, they set this up because they were trying to cockblock Scaramucci from getting brought on board – which is a good sign.

I think he is a good pick to take over PR. He’s an aggressive, obsessive Italian warrior. You’ll remember I told Trump to get rid of these Jews and replace them with Italians, as they are the next best thing as far as the specific skill sets that people hire Jews for, except that they will actually be loyal and not try to destroy you for the sake of their tribal interests.

The Jew lawyer Kasowitz is being replaced with a goy as well, following the whole Jew-to-Jew email threats debacle.

Washington Post:

Trump’s longtime personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz, will step back from his central role in the president’s outside legal team with John M. Dowd, a seasoned Washington attorney with a focus on white-collar crime, now taking the lead in managing the president’s defense. Mark Corallo, a longtime GOP operative who had served as a spokesman for Trump’s legal team, resigned Thursday.

I didn’t have strong feelings about Spicer either way. He did seem to be having a difficult time. And he is establishment. That’s in fact why he’s quitting over Scaramucci – the latter is not establishment, at all,

I did have strong feelings about Kasowitz getting out, and I do feel relatively good about Scaramucci.

Sure, he is a Wall Street shitbag, but he’s a guy who likes winning and isn’t signing on to lose – unlike these Jews, who, consciously or unconsciously, have a desire to either totally redirect Trump’s agenda, or simply see him fail.

Right Direction

Ever since the Comey firing, virtually everything has been going our way.

Trump has been on the warpath, the latest major scalp being the end to the funding of terrorists in Syria.

We’re still getting cockblocked left and right, but hey – there’s nothing you can do about that. That’s just the way it is. What I care about is that Trump himself, and his team, are keeping to the agenda, and doing their best to get it through. And that is absolutely happening.

I have no idea what is going on with Trump’s statements about Sessions, where he said if he’d known he was going to recuse he never would have hired him. One would almost have to assume that that was a precursor to him being fired – but maybe it isn’t?

He could just be pointing out how horrible the decision was, and how he had nothing to do with it.

Sessions, by the way, has made it clear that he has no intention to resign.

I don’t want him to. He made one horrible decision, but he is a real believer in the Trump agenda, and he’s been doing a good job.