Daily Stormer
May 8, 2014

The weird pervert Black President of America, Baraggo Obidigino, has released a bizarre photoshopped image of himself sitting in the king’s throne from the Game of Thrones, with the king’s crown sitting on his lap.

Clearly, this is meant to be some type of hilarious joke, meant to endear him to the plebs, but I have never gotten black humor and I think most Americans – not even hardcore racists, just normal people – will find this incredibly offensive.
Obama should be at the very least forced to apologize for this Tweet, and should more appropriately be impeached for it, possibly even tried for treason against the American Constitution.
“I’m just a dumb black guy, don’t blame me” is no longer a valid excuse, Mr. Obama. The piper must be paid. Apologize for the Tweet, or/and face impeachment.