White Knighting is Dangerous!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2016


I told you to lay-off the cupcakes, cupcake!

I tell you all: do not be white knights.

Despite what the Jewish media has told you, if you see a man involved in a dispute with a woman in a parking lot, it is not your duty to intervene.

You have no idea what is going on in such a situation, but you know one thing: whatever is going on, she deserves it. She deserves it either because she did something, or because she has made the decision to be with a man who beats her for no reason.

Whatever the case: it’s none of your business.


Police say a man trying to stop another man from beating a woman in a crowded San Antonio parking lot has been shot dead and a bystander has been critically wounded.

The shooting happened Friday afternoon outside a Wal-Mart store.

Police Chief William McManus says a man was assaulting a female companion when the other man drove up and demanded he stop. McManus says the attacker drew a handgun and fired at the man, killing him and critically wounding a female bystander.

Obviously, if a man is randomly attacking a woman, you should intervene. But that is not what this situation was. This was some white knight shoving his nose in a situation where a man was dealing with his wife/gf.


We live in an insane society that tells us both that women are totally equal in every way to men, but they’re also pathetic little children who need adults to come and help them every moment.

It can’t be both.

It fact, it isn’t either.

Women are not equal to men and they are not capable of making adult decisions, generally. However, one decision that they are allowed to make – which society has always allowed them to make – is the decision to leave a man who is physically abusive. If you see a woman getting beat in a parking lot, there is pretty much zero chance that this is the first time the man has done this to her. And yet, there she is with him in the parking lot.

So whose fault is it?

Whose business is it?

It certainly is not yours, and it is thus your fault if you get shot for trying to make it your business.


I don’t agree with physically abusing women. Slapping they sometimes obviously deserve, but anything that is going to actually hurt them is obviously wrong, and I don’t think anyone anywhere really disagrees with that, besides I guess Moslems.

However, the fact is that some portion of women like getting beat-up. Or, to be more understanding of their situation, perhaps they like the other personality traits of a man who beats-up women, and thus will tolerate the beatings in order to get whatever real or perceived benefits go along with these beats.

Whatever the case, a woman involved with an abusive man is a willing participant in the situation and deserving of the sympathy of no one. The one exception would be the first time it happens. But that is going to be in private, I am 100% sure. Anyone who is beating a woman in a parking lot is doing that as part of a routine.

Okay. To be 100% fair here, so I don’t get accused of sexist misogyny: the other situation where it would be reasonable to view her as a victim is if the abusive bf/husband is threatening to kill her family members, or is in some other way holding her hostage (no an “emotional hostage” is not a valid thing). However, a woman saying “he’ll kill me if I leave” is just typical “feel sorry for me because of my own behavior” nonsense, generally.

Opinion - Domestic Violence/Bullying

I told you medium rare! This steak is crispy! 

The psychology of a woman who likes getting beaten is also the psychology of a woman who likes being a victim. So they will use this “OMG he beats me” as a way to gain pity.

I recently came in contact with such a woman. She was showing me – and other men who were in this social setting situation – cellphone selfies of herself with a black eye and bloody nose, talking about how her boyfriend beats her. The other guys there sort of started to be like “oh you poor thing, what a bad man” and I confronted her, saying “well, if you don’t like getting beat, maybe you shouldn’t have a boyfriend that beats you, huh?”

She then dropped her eyes, having been caught, and I explained to the other men right there in front of her that she must like it, or she wouldn’t stay with this man, and by showing the pictures she was simply trying to drain them of their emotional energies. I shamed the men into not entertaining her, and I think they learned their lesson. She stayed silent during this and then later in the night tried to have sex with me. I refused, because I have a gf and anyway I do not get involved with weird people.