Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2014

A White librarian named Diane Woodcheke has been fired because she refused to discriminate against her own race.
When she made it clear that she would not exclude the people who invented books from applying for a job, her manager then started gibbering at her in chimp language, believing that this would show superiority and settle the argument.
Not being Dr Doolittle and not being unable to understand baboon babble, the White librarian was forced to consult Google and find a translation, where she was then shocked to discover that her boss had been calling her a ‘bitch.’

“She kept repeating it, calling me ‘Roxanne, Roxanne,’ ” Woodcheke, 46, said. “At first I thought she was talking about the Police song [“Roxanne”] and was calling me a prostitute or something.
“But I Googled it and found out it was this UTFO group and that she was basically calling me a bitch!”
With “Roxanne, Roxanne,” the Brooklyn group rapped about a “stuck up” woman who rebuffed their advances.
“Roxanne, Roxanne, I want to be your man,” goes the chorus of the song, which caused several rap response songs from various artists in what became known as the “Roxanne Wars.”
Woodcheke says this latest battle in the war led to her firing after she balked at Rankin’s demand that only minorities be hired.
Woodcheke said Rankin — who is African-American — gave the order because “my people have been kept down,” according to an administrative lawsuit filed with the New York State Division of Human Rights that seeks unspecified damages.