White Male Drops $150 in Lottery Winnings,17-Year-Old Black Male Picks Money Up and Kills Him Over the Cash

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
December 19, 2015

According to the Indianapolis Public Safety Department, as of December 13, 2015, there have been 139 homicides in the 58 percent white/27.5 percent black city.


  • 50 of those homicides were a black victim – black assailant
  • 4 of those homicides were a black victim – white assailant
  • 54 of those homicides were a black victim – unknown assailant
  • 18 of those homicides were a white victim – white assailant
  • 17 of those homicides were a white victim – black assailant
  • 5 of those homicides were a white victim – unknown assailant
  • 1 of those homicides were a Hispanic victim – Hispanic assailant
  • 3 of those homicides were a Hispanic victim – black assailant
  • 4 of those homicides were a Hispanic victim – unknown assailant

Well, today, yet another black individual murdered a white person in Indianapolis, meaning just as many blacks in Indianapolis have murdered white people, as whites have murdered other whites in the city for 2015 (versus only 4 cases of a black victim and white assailant).

All over the white person winning $150 from two lottery tickets and dropping it as he walked to his car. [Speedway community remembers man shot over lottery money, Fox 59 (Indianapolis), 12-18-15]:

The Speedway community plans to gather at the high school Friday night to remember 2003 graduate David Bowman.

17-year-old Cameron Tibbs… the black male who murdered Bowman over his $150 in lottery winnings

Bowman was shot and killed Saturday at the Phillips 66 gas station located at 2401 Lafayette Rd.

Cameron Tibbs, 17, turned himself in to police this week for the shooting.

Prosecutors are charging Tibbs as an adult for the murder.

“(Bowman) had a passion for soccer as well as a passion for people, having fun and he was just a very fun loving kid,” Bowman’s father, William Bowman, said about his son.

Bowman played soccer at Speedway High School all four years and went on to play in college at Oakland City University on a scholarship. He worked at the FedEx Distribution Center at night and cut hair during the day.

Bowman also enjoyed playing the lottery, according to his brother Michael Bowman.

Saturday night, Bowman went to cash two winning tickets at the gas station totaling $150.

On his way out, he dropped the money and someone else picked it up. When Bowman went to get the money back, he got shot.

“It just doesn’t make sense you can kill someone over $150,” Michael Bowman said.

“I would given him my house if they wouldn’t have shot him,” William Bowman said.

The Bowman family said they hope David’s death does not go in vain and his murder can serve a larger purpose.

“I’m pretty much going to dedicate the rest of my life to seeing if I can’t make a difference,” William Bowman said. “If we save one life or make one of these not happen for the rest of my life it will be worth it, because no one should have to go through what we are going through right now.”

A friend of David Bowman, Sheena Bannon, started a GoFundMe page on behalf of the family.

Bannon would like to use the money for a community outreach barbecue and to start a little league team.

“Anything that gets a sense of community brought back,” Bannon said. “We have to find a way to make a difference.”

William Bowman said he’d like to use the money raised to start his own, “Stop the Violence,” campaign.

He wants to have t-shirts, wristbands and signs made in honor of David.

“Everybody in this city is scared and everybody in the city is mad and people are tired of it,” William Bowman said.

David Bowman joins 17 other white people (18, if you include the baby Amanda Blackburn’s was carrying) murdered by a black individual in Indianapolis during the year of 2015 versus four blacks killed by a white individual.

Virtually every other homicide in Indianapolis during 2015 involves a black person, with 54 homicides involving a black suspect and an unknown assailant, which is why black people are once marching against the epidemic of “no snitching” in their community. [Families rally, march to end the ‘code of silence’, WISHTV.com, 12-7-15]

Mr. Bowman, it is black people turning Indianapolis into a war-zone, with innocent white people like your son, Amanda Blackburn, and Mark Miller (a food deliveryman murdered by a black guy wearing a Michael Myers mask) all gunned down by black people in horrific crimes virtually no one cares to remember, save the family members and friends they leave behind.

Your son, Mr. Bowman, was a hardworking individual. He had two jobs and just happened to drop his lottery earnings at the wrong place and at the wrong time.

A 17-year-old black male killed your son, because he was the individual who picked up your sons lottery money and made the Phillips 66 gas station the wrong place at the wrong time.