White Man Coward-Punched to the Ground in Black Knockout Attack

The Oakland Press
June 23, 2014

Edward Ewing is the latest victim of the ‘Knockout’ game, where urban apes punch unsuspecting White people ‘for fun’.

A Ferndale man was sucker punched and briefly lost consciousness as he walked along Woodward with a male friend in what police say may have been a “knockout game” attack by two strangers.

The so-called knockout game involves an attacker who targets a victim and tries to the knock the person unconscious with a single punch.

Nationally, there is some dispute whether the “game” is a real crime trend or the result of some media hype.

The victim was identified as Edward Ewing, 53, by friends, who are working to raise money for his medical bills at youcaring.com. Ewing, who works at a local salon, does not have medical insurance.

In the Ferndale case, police said the victim was walking with another man, 36, on Woodward near Wordsworth about 12:30 a.m. Monday.

“They were returning to the victim’s house from White Castle,” said Ferndale Police Sgt. Patrick Jones. “Two black males ran up to them and one of them punched the victim on the left side of his face.”

Police say the victim fell to the ground and struck his head on the roadway. Neither of the two men involved in the attack said a word to the Ferndale victim.

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Edward was knocked out as his head collided with the pavement.

Ewing gave an interview to WXYZ-TV news in which he said he suffered a concussion, a broken jaw, chipped teeth, cuts and bruises. The man who was with the victim told police the two men involved in the attack laughed and ran off.

Police said the two attackers ran east on Wordsworth and got into a waiting gold or silver sedan.

Police checked the area but were unable to locate either the car or the attackers.

The two men involved in the attack are described as black, 19 to 25 years old. One is about 5-foot-8 and wore a T-shirt and the other, about 6 feet tall, wore a dark T-shirt and dark shorts.

Anyone with information is asked to call Ferndale police at 248-541-3650.