White Man Found Guilty of Attempted Murder for Attacking Random Asian in Retaliation for Lee Rigby

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2015

The media is trying to pin the blame on National Action for this unbalanced young man's behaviour, despite the fact he claimed ISIS were his inspiration.
The media is trying to pin the blame on National Action for this unbalanced young man’s behaviour, despite the fact he claimed ISIS were his inspiration.

The strain on our people of seeing our kin being raped, murdered and replaced in our own homelands is really starting to show.

Those without the self discipline to control their urge to lash out, are beginning to do so, as we see in America with Dylann Roof and now also in Britain with Zack Davies.

The victim's family are calling him a terrorist, despite him saying he acted out of a sense of revenge and not to advance any political ideology.
The victim’s family is calling him a terrorist, despite him saying he acted out of a sense of revenge and not to advance any political ideology.

Channel 4:

Zack Davies posted an image of himself in a balaclava with a large knife and the flag of the far-right group National Action hours before he carried out his violent racist attack.

The 26-year-old went to his local Tesco on 14 January, where he used a claw hammer and machete to attack Dr Sarandar Bhambra, shouting: “This is for Lee Rigby.”

During the frenzied attack he repeatedly hacked at his victim, who used his arm to defend his neck from the blade – leaving him with life-changing injuries. A soldier intervened to stop the attack and save the man’s life.

Davies said he chose his victim because he “looked Asian”. A large amount of white supremacist material was found when police searched his house. He was also obsessed with the “no compromise” tactics of the group called Islamic State and Jihadi John, who has appeared in its films decapitating western hostages.

He told police: “It was irrelevant what religion he was. It was his appearance just the way he looked. It did not matter to me what religion he was, it was his racial appearance.”

Speaking after the jury gave its verdict, the victim’s brother Dr Tarlochan Singh Bhambra said that, had the “racial disposition” of the attack been reversed, it would have been “reported as an act of terror”.

He said: “We are in no doubt, given the racial and political motivations, that this should have been rightly defined as an act of terrorism. By his own admission, the defendant Zack Davies had extreme neo-Nazi views and is a member of a white supremacist organisation.

“Sarandev was singled out because of the colour of his skin. The media have a responsibility and an obligation to report these aspects of the trial and bring to the fore the major implications of this.”

Zack Davies was not well known to far-right monitoring groups, though National Action and the violent activists they associate with regularly wear masks on protests to hide their identities. He had built up relationships online with members of the group, sharing childish and offensive far-right images.

A YouTube channel seen by Channel 4 News that was owned by Davies is filled with neo-Nazi videos. In one clip, he poses with a straight-armed salute similar to Anders Breivik’s infamous gesture.

In a police interview read to the court, Davies stated: “Rising Jihadi violence, most recently in France, the rise of Isis in the Middle East, and what happened to Lee Rigby – it was like Europe was under siege. My personal issues and paranoia and political world events all combined.”

The idea that these misguided souls would not have acted as they have if the internet did not contain sites like ours is false.

The crimes that we report on come from mainstream sources in the first place.

We just change the headlines to reflect what people are thinking when they read the story to make it more truthful.

Zack Davies acted out of anger after hearing about Lee Rigby, Dylann Roof after seeing the false media spin on Zimmerman.

The war against our people cannot be covered up, even if no crimes were reported anywhere and you lived alone in the Scottish highlands somewhere, you would still see all the White people being replaced by our territorial competitors on the national television. You would still see all the White guilt-ridden man-hating literature in the supermarkets and malls.

Until our governments stop replacing us and start preventing any more violent attacks on us by these creatures, then there is just going to be more of the unbalanced among us taking the law into their own hands and wreaking vengeance on anyone who is not White.

This is what happens when you force competing nations to live in a single territory, they repulse one another at the most basic biological level and that will find violent expression in those susceptible to it, whether they read the internet or not.