White Man Furious at Black Witch Walking Free From Court After Nearly Blinding Him

Daily Mail
August 17, 2014

Ronnie Lee says he is disgusted with the justice system after his attacker was given a suspended sentence for the attack.

With blood spattered over his injured face, this is Ronnie Lee on his way to hospital minutes after being glassed in an unprovoked attack by a woman.

Lucky not to lose an eye, the 24-year-old telesales company director needed four stitches following the assault.

But despite his injuries, his assailant, estate agent Yasmin Thomas, 21, walked free from court this week with a suspended sentence – despite notching up her 18th conviction for assault.

Yesterday Mr Lee said he was disgusted at the leniency of the sentence, which includes an anger management course.

He said: ‘If it was the other way around and I did that to her, I would be going straight to jail.

‘What happens next time if she does something and it’s life threatening? She could end up killing someone.

‘She’s got 18 convictions already. She’s a danger to herself and others around her.

‘If someone had the number of convictions she’s got I would think for at least one of them there would be a lesson learnt. I don’t think the justice system has provided a judgment that will set an example.’

Yasmin Thomas, who has 17 previous convictions for assault.

Mr Lee was with his friend Richard Evans at the Bar So nightclub in Bournemouth in February when they were approached by Thomas and her friends.

‘Richard and I went out for a drink to celebrate setting up our new business together,’ Mr Lee said yesterday.

‘We had been at Bar So for about an hour. We stepped on the dance floor and the lady in question, Yasmin, was there.

‘I didn’t know her at all. One of her friends stole Richard’s e-cigarette and threw it on the floor.

‘Yasmin picked it up and tapped me on the shoulder and gave it to me. I was surprised and handed it back to Richard.

‘She then said ‘‘Aren’t you gonna say thank you then?’’ I was confused and didn’t say anything. She threw a drink on my face first and then smashed the glass on my left eye socket.’

Mr Lee suffered a deep cut close to the eye and other smaller cuts to his face.

He said: ‘It was only ten minutes from being on the dance floor to being in the ambulance. A nurse pulled glass out of my cheek and eye and I had four stitches in my eyelid.

‘He told me that if it had been a couple of millimetres closer to my eye I would have been blinded.

The Judge said to her “You have a breathtaking record of violence, one of the worst I have ever seen from anyone your age.” Then he let her walk out of the court with a suspended sentence and an anger management course. No wonder the witch is grinning.

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