White Man Killed by Black Fleeing Cops

Daily Stormer
May 29, 2016

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The inverse of “Black Lives Matter” is “White Lives are Worthless.”

That’s why stories like this – that happen every single day – are never national news.


A driver who fled from deputies and later crashed into a truck during the chase has been charged with vehicular homicide since the man he struck has now died, according to the Knox County Sheriff’s Office.

In addition, authorities charged Ralpheal Coffey, 26, with drugs: manufacture, delivery, sale, or possession of cocaine in amounts greater than .5 grams (or less than .5 grams where defendant carried deadly weapon or the offense resulted in death or bodily injury), simple possession, and driving while privilege suspended.

During Wednesday’s chase, Coffey crashed into a Ford F-150 driven by Kevin Bradley, 28 and his passenger Eric Kennedy, 26. The two were taken to UT Medical Center where Bradley was pronounced dead, the sheriff’s office said in a release.

Bradley’s brother, Adam, says Bradley was about to get married. Family and friends were set to fly to Knoxville on Wednesday and then head Vegas for the bachelor party. Adam Bradley said he was in the airport with his father when authorities called them to say that Kevin Bradley had died.

He said his whole family is in mourning.

“He was one of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen,” said Adam Bradley. “It’s devastating, because we lost our mother six months ago.”

He also said he was frustrated that deputies initiated the chase.

“It’s not like they committed a crime at that moment and were being chased after like they killed somebody,” said Bradley. “They just got spotted.”

Anderson County Chief Deputy Mark Lucas could not comment directly on the end of the pursuit, but said deputies only following Coffey for a few minutes before he eluded them.

The Knox County Sheriff’s Office declined an interview request, but said they were not in active pursuit of Coffey at the moment of the crash.