White Man Stabbed 5mm Away From His Heart by Gang of Non-Whites

August 31, 2014

Danny and Remi were set upon by a gang of 15 Turkish thugs.

Danny Binks and his girlfriend Remi wanted a relaxing week when they booked a summer holiday to Turkey – on the second night he was fighting for his life.

Danny Binks and his girlfriend wanted nothing more than a relaxing week in the sun when they booked a summer holiday to Turkey.

But on only the second night of their trip Danny was fighting for his life.

The innocent tourist was stabbed four times, once through the heart, after he was falsely accused of stealing a watch from a shop.

Many people assume that young British men who end up injured abroad must have brought it on themselves somehow, perhaps getting involved in a drunken bar brawl or arguing over a girl.

But Danny was set upon by a 15-strong gang of thugs armed with metal pipes and a broken bottle despite proving he had not taken a watch.

And he says it was the shopkeeper who inflicted the near-fatal blow that pierced his heart.

A Turkish surgeon who saved his life in a six-hour operation told him afterwards that if the wound had been only 5mm deeper he could not have survived.

“I thought I was going to die,” says Danny.

“I was scared. I thought, ‘Is this it? Is this how my life is going to end?’ ”

Danny, 20, a self-employed joiner from Blackpool, is the lastest British victim of violent crime in Turkey, where 2.5 million Britons go each year in search of sunshine.

Earlier this month brothers Danny and Ben Slade, from Ashford, Surrey, were stabbed during an argument over sunbeds at a luxury hotel in the same seaside town of Bodrum.

And in June Scottish teen Callum Copson was lucky to survive a stabbing over a faulty handbag in Marmaris.

Danny appreciates how lucky he was to survive.

He and girlfriend Remi Simpson arrived in Bodrum on July 3 and were making the most of their time together before her family flew out to join them.

Danny in hospital glad to still be alive.

Remi explains: “We had been out for dinner together on the second night and it had been a lovely romantic evening.

“Turkey was beautiful.

“On the way back to the hotel we decided to have a look round the shops because Danny wanted to buy me a present.

“We had no idea we were in a dangerous area.”

Danny bought a few items from a tourist shop, then they went to a chemist’s to get suncream for the next day.

But as they left the store and started down a winding alley back to their hotel, the first shopkeeper followed them
and started yelling accusations at Danny.

“He was shouting at me in English that I’d stolen a watch,” he say.

“I insisted I hadn’t taken anything and even allowed him to search me. Of course, he found nothing, but I was starting to panic.

“I had heard horror stories about people being arrested abroad for no reason.”

Then as he started to walk away a gang of thugs appeared from round the corner.

Before he could say a word they pounced on Danny and starting laying into him with metal poles.

Remi could not get near him to help and could only stand and scream.

Then just as he thought he could make a break for it and get away, Danny says the shopkeeper stepped forward and stabbed him four times.

It was only when he looked down he realised how bad his injuries were.

PAY-Danny-Binks-and-his-partner-Remi-Simpson (1)
Remi says “”Brits need to be careful when they are there – we must be the easiest targets.”

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