White Man Succeeds in Becoming Fastest Man to Run All the Way Around the World

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2015

Kevin Carr from Woolacombe, Devon, has become the fastest man to run around the world completing the 16,300-mile mission in 621 days, beating the previous record by a day.

Blacks might be the best sprinters, from trying to avoid going in the pot, but Whites are still the best with the masochistic act of marathon running.  The best of all.

Celtic Kevin Carr, a 34-year-old man from Devon, has run two marathons a day for almost two years, so that he could run right the way around the world and beat the previous record.

Despite being hunted by packs of wild and feral dogs, stalked and attacked by bears and run over twice, he succeeded in his mammoth task and proved that if a White man really sets his mind on doing something, then the chances are he will win.

The route took him through most of Europe, pushing or pulling his trolley, which contained a solar panel, a tent, water purifiers and a sleeping bag. Here he is in Lithuania.

Daily Mail:

He began his epic voyage at Haytor on Dartmoor in July 2013 and returned yesterday after 621 days, one quicker than the previous record, held by Australian Tom Denniss.

Mr Carr also became the first man to complete the voyage unsupported by a team, instead pushing all of his kit along in a stroller that weighed twice as much as he does.

He said: ‘I’ve pushed my tired legs through most of Europe, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US.

‘I have encountered some pretty scary things along the way, from packs of wilds dogs in Romania to the most extreme weather conditions imaginable.

‘Most frightening of all however was coming face to face with bears. One of the bears stalked and then actively came for me.

‘I used bear banger explosives that someone had given me and, after three misfires, thankfully my fourth attempt sent the bear packing.’

Notice that he managed to avoid having to go anywhere near Africa. A sensible decision, as he had no support team with him and ran all the way on his own.

He said during one 300-mile stretch full of bears and wolves he relied on people with short-distance radios to keep a check on him to make sure he wasn’t eaten.

He added: ‘I’ve had to endure a lot of suffering too. I had severe heatstroke in India and have twice been hit by cars.

‘I knew the size of the challenge but it was a little bit more of a headache dealing with the logistics and the traffic.

‘It was a bit harder than I had anticipated and took me a bit longer.

‘I didn’t have much time to lament on loneliness as I was concentrating on the traffic and where I was going to sleep that night and find a shop.

‘The worst thing I faced was indifference from fashion savvy people looking at a sweaty dishevelled man pushing a pram down the road.’

A sea of White people were there to greet him when he got back, proving that there is no equality between the races, the others couldn’t give a damn that a real Briton had just run all the way around the world.