White Man Sues Black Waitress for False Accusations of ‘Racism’

Daily Stormer
May 24, 2014

Waitress Toni Jenkins holding a check for $10,000. This was the money raised to support this "victim of racism". She spent the money on a car.
Waitress Toni Jenkins holding a check for $10,000. This was money raised to support her as a “victim of racism”. She spent the money on a car.

We are happy to report that the lying black waitress Toni Jenkins will not get away with her racism hoax.

From the Daily Caller:

A Tennessee man filed a $1 million lawsuit Thursday against Red Lobster and one of its waitresses after the waitress claimed last year that he wrote a racial slur on a tip receipt.

Last September, the waitress, Toni Jenkins, posted a picture on Facebook of the receipt which had the words “none” and “Nigger” scrawled on it.

Jenkins, who is black, claimed that a white patron had written the slur.

The name and signature of that patron, Devin Barnes, were visible on the receipt…

Barnes, 20, admitted that he wrote the word “None” in the tip line. But not the derogatory word.

His lawsuit, filed Thursday, is meant to cover suffering he says he and his family endured by being labeled racists.

Jenkins was initially suspended after the picture of the receipt went viral on the internet. But she was reinstated after a number of prominent news outlets picked up the story. A website raised nearly $11,000 for Jenkins in a “Tips for Toni” campaign.

The waitress used the money to buy a car.

But two handwriting experts who looked at the receipt and at writing samples from Barnes, his wife, and Jenkins determined that it was unlikely that the couple had written the slur.

The expert hired by Barnes and his attorney concluded that both Barnes and his wife were unlikely to have written the slur.

Another expert, contacted by The Daily Caller News Foundation, analyzed the receipt, comparing it to a copy of a writing sample from Jenkins. The expert determined that “within a reasonable degree of certainty” Jenkins had written the slur.