White Man Survives Violent Baseball Attack From Dreadlocked Black Thugs

Fox 8 Live
October 20, 2014

The victim does not wish to be identified.

Three men armed with a baseball bat violently attacked a man in the French Quarter just before 4 a.m. Sunday.

The victim, whom FOX 8 is not naming, said he considers himself street savvy, but the attack on Dauphine near At. Ann tested him like never before.

“I’ve got 12 staples,” he said, pointing to the metal clips in his head.

This victim said the three were walking in the other direction.

“They were walking up, [we] did the nod thing,” he said, “and then he cold-cocked me in the head.”

The attackers took turns hitting the victim.

“Two guys were doing the hitting the other was doing the watching,” he said.

The victim was struck six times.

“This wasn’t their first time,” the victim said. ” I probably wasn’t the first person they robbed that night.”

As he fought for his life, the victim said there was a cabbie who witnessed the attack, but did nothing.

“The taxi kept driving,” he said.

Police advise victims to give their assailants what they want, but this victim wasn’t so inclined.

The Black hookers just watch on as the White man is beaten up.

“The only time I hit the ground was when they went for my wallet, so I sat on my wallet,” he said.

And in spite of the bloody assault, the attackers never got what the wallet they wanted.

“I didn’t give up,” he said.

The victim’s job doesn’t allow him to say off the street in the early morning hours, but he says he will change his behavior.

“If you’re going to be out in the quarter, don’t go alone,” he said.

He says police response was quick. The attack comes as the French Quarter Management District finalizes plans to increase security in the Quarter by Oct. 26.

“If a resident can’t live here without getting jumped, what about tourists?” the victim asked.

FOX 8 interviewed a group of Minnesota tourists who were unaware of the attack in front of their guest house.

“It’s disheartening, but I’m not that surprised,” said Racquel Bunny.

The victim hopes police catch the suspects.

“I have some faith that they will,” he said.

In the meantime he said he will keep his guard up and try to walk in groups, and he advises others to do the same.

The French Quarter Management District hoped to send a cooperative endeavor agreement to the city on Monday in order to have as many as three additional police officers patrolling Bourbon Street at night before Halloween.

That plan would not beef up patrols where Sunday’s attack happened, but proponents say it’s a start.