White Man’s Fault: New Video Blames ‘Racism’ for Aborigines Mental Health Problems

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2014

Surely sticking them in among White people and then pretending there is no difference between them and us is just a recipe for madness?

A completely insane new video has been released blaming White people for the Aborigines mental health problems and trying to shame Australians into rejecting their own race and favoring the Abos instead.

9 News:

Mental health advocate Jeff Kennett and former athlete Senator Nova Peris have unveiled a campaign to combat depression in the indigenous community, saying racism is continuing to cause mental health issues for many Aboriginal people.

Because failure in the dark races can never be down to their own biology, it always has to be the White man’s fault somehow.

Mr Kennett, the chairman of charity beyondblue, says a survey of more than 1000 non-indigenous Australians showed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to face widespread racism.

“This research shows that racism in Australia is still common and that many people engage in racist behaviour,” he said.

Fantastic, great to hear that Australians still have a healthy sense of solidarity with their own folk.

“Racism, like any form of discrimination, leads to distress, which in turn can lead to depression and anxiety.”

Why? Surely it should lead to a heightened sense of kinship with one’s own folk, rather than depression and anxiety.

Token diversity quota Senator Nova Peris is Australia’s first female Abo in parliament. Here she sniggers at the pathetic White man next to her pretending he is an Abo too.

Should we do more for Indigenous health in Australia? Let us know in the comments below.

Be sure to let them know what you think!

On Tuesday, the charity unveiled a new TV campaign highlighting the issue.

Chief executive of beyondblue Georgie Harman says many people don’t realise when they are discriminating against indigenous people and don’t understand the effect it can have.

“This can be very damaging to their mental health,” she said.

How can it be damaging for their mental health? Surely it would be far more confusing for them if White people started treating them as if they were White?

“The best way to reduce harm caused by subtle racism is to stop it, and if you see it happening, call it.”

If you see anyone showing love for their own White race, be sure to call them up on it! How dare you sit next to someone who looks like you,smells like you and sounds like you, go and sit next to that drunk, glue-sniffing Abo instead!

The survey found a third of Australians believe indigenous Australians are “sometimes a bit lazy”.

Surely this means there is some truth to that, if a third of Australians have experienced it in them.

They look nothing like us so they are nothing like us. Real science in practice.

Almost one third believe indigenous citizens should behave more like other Australians.

They should obviously be under the exact same laws, with no special rights or preferences given to them. Otherwise it would be discriminating against Whites. Right?

And more than 40 per cent believe they are given unfair advantages by the government.

You don’t need to just believe it, the proof is right here in this new video favoring them and asking Whites to prefer Aborigines to their own.

The survey results also showed one in five Australians would move away if an indigenous Australian sat nearby, while one in 10 say they would tell a joke in the pub about an indigenous Australian.

Why would an Abo suddenly move over to a White person they didn’t know anyway? Surely the correct response would be to avoid danger and move away?

Recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that indigenous Australians are twice as likely to die by suicide as non-indigenous Australians, and are almost three times more likely to experience psychological distress.

Well surely this is a problem for them to deal with, not anyone else.

Whites have already done far more for the Aborigines of the world than ever they should have done, they should have just left them alone behind a big wire fence to get on with whatever it is they like doing. Them thinking that they are capable of fitting into the White man’s world is very probably the cause of their mental problems in the first place. Just stick them behind a big wire fence and let them get on with being Abos.

If it is so bad for them living among Whites that they keep killing themselves, then why not just put them all together somewhere on their own?