White Men Brutally Beaten in Their Own Capital City by Brown Savages

Daily Mail
September 14, 2015

The savages ganged up on the White man and smashed a road sign over his head.

A horrific video of a mass brawl in east London is being investigated by police after surfacing online.

Officers attended the street fight in Brick Lane on Monday night, which saw a group of men of Asian descent and what appeared to be white British men square up in a brutal coming together.

Shocking footage shows one man being smashed over the head with a heavy road sign, while another bare-chested victim is repeatedly kicked by a baying mob as he curls up helpless on a pavement.

The earlier part of the video shoes the men trying to run away from the scene but being jumped by their attackers and subjected to a barrage of blows to the back of the head and body.

A second victim can then be seen being bundled to the ground and punched, before the brutal road sign attack.

It was no brawl, but a savage attack on the indigenous people of Britain by a hostile foreign invader.

The video then shows a number of Asian men kicking a man as he lies outside Indian restaurant the Eastern Eye Balti House, in what appears to be a later part of the same brawl.

Voices can be heard shouting: ‘This is Brick Lane, mother f*****.’

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