White Mother Faces Kidnapping Charge for Disappearing with Her Black Son

The Daily Reporter
September 11, 2015

The White mother has a habit of picking Black boyfriends.

The family of a missing boy is calling for his return after his mother kidnapped him at the beginning of last week.

Last week, the Hillsdale Daily News reported that 32-year-old Nicole Ruffin and her son, 5-year-old Laredo, had been declared missing by Michigan State Police. The last contact family members had reported was Aug. 31. The story goes a bit deeper than that, though, and involves custodial and child safety issues dating back several years.

Brandon Ruffin, Laredo’s biological father, separated from Nicole in 2012. Custody battles ensued between the two, coming to a head at the end of August of this year.

Even the Black father of the boy says the company she keeps is dangerous.

After a series of interventions by the Hillsdale County Probate Court and Child Protective Services concerning Laredo’s safety and that of his 12-year-old brother around Nicole’s boyfriend, Michael Gore — whom, according to Brandon’s current wife, has a history of child abuse.

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