White Mother Lets Black Teen Inside Her House to Make a Phone Call – Black Robs Her at Gunpoint

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2017

Here is a quick list of things to not do when dealing with Blacks:

1) Speak with them
2) Offer them anything
3) Let them into your house
4) Relax

Fox News:

Police are still searching for the suspect who committed the armed robbery at 57th and Ward Parkway. Just before 7 p.m. on Sunday, police were called to the area on a reported armed residential robbery.

“A young person came to our house, and asked to use our phone, I was away on a business trip, my wife was there, she offered her phone to this young person. He made a call, nobody answered the call on the other end, he asked for a ride home,” Phil Glynn, the victim’s husband, recounted.

Glynn said his wife Elizabeth went outside to bring her children inside when she saw a younger looking black male jump the fence on the southwest side of her home. He asked if he could use a phone to call his mom. She asked for his name and the number he needed her to call, but there was no answer when she called the number he provided.

“My wife offered him a ride home, and she had our children go to a neighbor`s house, so that she could help this young person,” added Glynn.

She invited him inside due to the fact she believed he was a lost juvenile. When they were inside, the teen lifted his shirt and showed his black handgun.

“When the children were out of the house, this young person made her aware that he had a weapon, and the situation quickly moved to — he took her cell phone and her car and he left,” Glynn said.

She asked the teen to leave. She took the key to the vehicle off the key ring and gave it to him. He got into her Toyota Highlander and drove off.