White Mother Shot Dead by Negress Cop After Calling 911 for Help

Daily Mail
February 25, 2015

Betty Sexton called the police for help with getting rid of unwanted intruders, but the Police sent her a Negress.


A mother-of-two has been shot dead by the police officer she called to help her rid her North Carolina home of unwanted guests.

Betty Sexton had called 911, asking officers to come to the home she shared with her boyfriend in Gastonia just before midday on Tuesday.

She had hoped the officer, named by authorities as LaDoniqua Neely, would help her make the unwanted guests leave.

But the call-out ended in tragedy, with Ms Sexton being shot in the chest, allegedly by Neely.

The 43-year-old later died in hospital.

LaDoniqua Neely shot her in the chest and killed her.


However, it has since emerged Ms Sexton was holding an old musket during the confrontation with police.

Her sister Debra Kennedy told WCCB Charlotte she had grabbed it from the closet – although exactly why remains unclear, but it is Ms Sexton believed it was not loaded.

The family claim she was in the process of putting the gun down when the officer fired.

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