White Mother Stood by While Black Father Starved, Beat and Raped the Kids

Q13 Fox
May 30, 2015

The two mothers, Amanjot Jaswal and Shannon Smith, were in Kitsap County court Friday facing criminal mistreatment charges for standing by while the children were being raped.

Kitsap County prosecutors on Friday accused two mothers of standing by and doing nothing while the father of their 12 children allegedly beat, starved and sexually assaulted the kids.

The two mothers, Amanjot Jaswal, 28, and Shannon Smith, 41, were in court facing criminal mistreatment charges Friday. Both pleaded not guilty.

Court documents say the children ranged in age from infant to 13.

“These children were held against their will, denied nutrition, denied medical care, and physically and sexually abused,” said Scott Wilson, of the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office. “It’s one of the worst cases of abuse we’ve ever seen.”

Evil looking half Negro half Chinese creature Melford Warren had fathered 12 offspring with the two females, one of whom is White.

It appears, between them, the two women had 12 children, and all were fathered by Melford Warren.

Detectives believe Warren kept the family in a house in a quiet Port Orchard neighborhood. According to court documents, he often denied the children food, and locked them up for days in the attic or a bathroom.

Police say Warren also beat the children with sticks or bats, and sexually abused and raped them. Police accused the two mothers of covering the crimes up.

Officers were initially tipped off to the case when a social worker at a Tacoma hospital noticed suspicious injuries on one of the infants.