White Pizza Delivery Driver Slaughtered by Yoofs

Daily Stormer
March 5, 2016


In a multicultural society, being a pizza delivery driver is basically like being a infantryman.


A father and son who worked with a slain delivery driver told Channel 2 Action News they knew something was wrong when his final run took too long.

Two people, one only 14 years old, are charged with the murder.

Workers here at the Papa Johns where the victim worked told Channel 2’s Aaron Diamant that they are still coming to terms with all this.

Diamant spoke with two of the delivery drivers who had the night off — a father and son who’ve each worked at Papa Johns more than 15 years and knew Shane Varnadore well.

“Shane was just the nicest person you would ever want to meet. He was going to school to be a chiropractor. He just wanted to help people feel better,” said Johnny Norwood.

Shane Varnadore was gunned down Tuesday night during a robbery at a Gwinnett County apartment complex.

“He was gone for so long on the delivery it just had to make sense. They were about to send me out to go look for him, and the cops came pulling in,” Johnny Norwood said.

Jermaine Young and his friend, Reginald Lofton, just 14 years old, are both charged with Varnadore’s murder.

On Thursday Channel 2 Action News confirmed Young is from Chicago and has a long, violent rap sheet.

“They can’t get their justice quick enough,” said Johnny Norwood.

Norwood’s father, John, has also worked for the same Papa Johns on Cruze Road for years. He is grateful now it wasn’t his son on that delivery.

“It could have been him. I mean, my son was working that night. I was off the night, but it just could have been him. I guess luckily it wasn’t,” said John Norwood.

His wife, Maggie, admitted she was apprehensive about her husband and son heading back to work.

“I was worried. I mean, it was really concerning. My stomach hurt the closer it got to time for him to leave,” said Maggie Norwood.

But her thoughts remain with Varnadore’s mother, Teresa, still overcome with grief.

“I just can’t imagine what my life is going to be like without my son,” Teresa Varnadore said.

The Norwoods have a message for the Varnadore family.

“People are praying for you and we wish you the best and we’re so sorry about it,” said John Norwood.

Prosecutors have charged 14-year-old Reginald Lofton as an adult. He’s in a youth detention center.